
Yes to a new school!

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NCE "Atameken" has found a compromise solution to the dispute between the largest Kazakh private school and the state body

Currently, 1285 children study at the physico-mathematical school “Tamos Education”. Within the expansion of the educational institution, it was planned to construct an educational complex, which will include physical and mathematical school for 1000 pupils, linguistic high school for 1,200 students, a boarding school for 100 children, a kindergarten for 200 children, as well as service facilities. Thus, there will be created 450 permanent jobs.

The planned project is included in the list of priority activities approved by the Government of Kazakhstan with the provision of the state aid in the form of temporary land use on gratuity basis and subsequent gratuitous transfer of ownership. However, the land plots proposed by the local executive authorities didn’t satisfy the entrepreneur because of poor accessibility for transport, and it is quite essential to ensure the safe arrival of children by transport.

In connection with this, the educational institution bought on the secondary market at its own expense a land plot of 5.5185 ha. To change its designated purpose under the law, the entrepreneur should have to pay the difference between the cadastral value and the value at which earlier this land was purchased from the state in private ownership, in the amount of more than 270 million tenge and agricultural losses of nearly 8 million tenge.

Then the educational institution appealed to the NCE RK "Atameken" with a request for assistance to be released from paying the payment. Having considered the letter, NCE concluded that the management of land relations department of Almaty did not violate the rights of entrepreneurs. In order to find a compromise solution on this issue, NCE proposed installment payment option for changing the purpose of land for a period of 10 years, to what the businessman agreed.

After such a diplomatic solution of the problem, the chairman of NCE Ablay Myrzakhmetov received a thank you letter from “Tamos Education”.

“We would like to express our special gratitude to you, as you personally were involved in the resolution of the problem and sent a letter to akim of Almaty on assistance in solving the issue of payment by installments. I would like to note the quick response and "feedback" of  NCE RK "Atameken" in the face of an expert of the first category of the Department of Economics Khamzina Kasim Gazizovich. EE "TEFMSH" expresses gratitude to you, Khamzin K.G. and RCE of Almaty for professionalism, well coordinated joint action and wish you success in your future work ", - states the letter.

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