
Less administrative barriers more savings for the entrepreneurs

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This was stated by Acting Deputy Chairman of the Board - Director of the Department of Regional Development of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications on improving Kazakhstan's position in the global ranking of Doing Business.

According to him, in July 2014 the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave an order to adopt a plan of measures necessary for the accession of Kazakhstan to the Doing Business rating in 2016 in the top 30 of the first countries in the world. And, as the ranking shows, we are very close to this goal.

"NCE has an extensive branch network, which allows to obtain basic information on the ground. That is, entrepreneurs with the problems address to us, then when information is accumulate we post it on the website of NCE in a specially created section "Registry of problems". All appeals of entrepreneurs are analyzed by the relevant competent authorities, and then proposals are made to amend the current legislation", - said the representative NCE RK.

According Tulemis Shotanov, NCE "Atameken" adopted a number of measures in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on amendments and additions to some legislative acts on the radical improvement of business activity.

"Thanks to the initiatives of NCE there were introduced amendments in terms of abolition the special charges for the registration of enterprises and closing of a business. In addition, the mandatory application of a stamp by business entities was abolished, the procedure of foreign economic activity was significantly simplified in terms of reduction of customs duties. Mandatory environmental impact assessment was also eliminated for objects of the 4 category", - said the Acting Deputy Chairman of the NCE RK "Atameken".

Tulemis Shotanov added that were significantly reduced requirements for registration of property rights for the objects of the first category. "Of course, all this will be reflected in the indicators that determine ultimately our position in the ranking of Doing Business. As it was already noted, this rating is very important for the investment attractiveness, that is the leading multinational companies in general and the international rating agencies assess the hypothetical possibility of doing business in the country primarily through rating Doing Business. Of course, the work will continue", - said the representative of NCE RK "Atameken ".

According to him, all these measures also have an applied nature.

"That is not just a hypothetical estimate. For our business it is a big saving, which is expressed in specific amounts. Of course, the exact figure is difficult to calculate, but, for example, only one requirement abolishing the application of a stamp for legal persons, resulted in savings of 750 million tenge for business entities. A claim for the abolition of fees for registration resulted in savings of about 70-100 million tenge. This list could go on, but it is obvious that it has great practical importance for our business", - summed up the acting Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Tulemis Shotanov.

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