
Lease problems of retailers and shopping centers can’t be solved without the interference of the state

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Both sides of the dispute state this. Shopping centers are happy to reduce prices, but can’t

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" discussed the difficult situation that has developed around retailers and major shopping centers. The problem is that due to the floating dollar exchange rate, the price of lease of space in the shopping center has reached reasonable limits.

"Thanks to the NCE, there has been created a platform on which we can talk, because, unfortunately, not all colleagues have established a constructive dialogue. Since the first round of negotiations, which took place over a week ago, we observed significant positive changes. Most of our partners are the owners of the shopping centers are in a very good contact with us. The problem now is not that most of the contracts are concluded in a foreign currency, but the problem is a little wider: the owners of the shopping centers would be glad to meet our requirements, but can’t because of the foreign currency obligations", - said the president of the Association of Kazakhstani Retailers Vasily Gorevoy.

Thus, according to him, the Association has signed agreements with several major shopping malls across the country. " We consider the new conditions of lease by fixing some minimum level plus a share of sales, or just by fixing the share of sales in a certain amount for each brand. But we have a very serious problem with those who have foreign currency loans – these are the largest development companies", - said Gorevoy.

He stressed that there is no conflict between retailers and shopping centers, the two sides are trying to find a common solution.

Head of the lease department of "Khan Shatyr" Marat Ismagulov noted that the parties won’t solve this problem on their own. "There can’t do without state support. The simple truth: we won’t find cheap tenge in any bank, only the state can provide it. This is the only way out ", - he said.

"The question is serious and requires serious solutions. And without the participation of the state, we won’t solve this problem, because the owners of shopping centers are forced to pay the loan payments in foreign currency", - agreed with him the chairman of the Kazakhstani Association of trading companies and manufacturers of consumer electronic, computer equipment and complex technical systems Sergei Arkhipkin.

Meanwhile, according to the Department of  Employment of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, compared with the first quarter of 2015 in the third quarter of 2015 the number of registered unemployed people in Kazakhstan increased by 10%. At the same time in Almaty, unemployment rose to 30%, in Astana to 25%.

"The problem leads to curtail of business activity and rising unemployment. Many simply leave the shopping centers, because they are not profitable to pay the rent. I think this is a big social problem, we need to approach carefully to its solution", - said the expert of the agency Alim Baysakalov.

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