
Bloggers were invited to join the work of the commission "Altyn sapa"

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Thus, NCE RK "Atameken" intends to make the competition more transparent

"The selection of materials for the contest "Altyn sapa" - is very hard work, which involves experts from various fields. We are currently faced with the fact that many do not understand how the selection occurs. The selection criteria are so specific that people do not understand why certain points were given to a participant. In order to make it more understandable, we on our part have initiated and included two bloggers in the commission", - said the director of the department of social and labor relations of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Saltanat Abdikarimova.

She noted that with the help of members of the public, NCE intends to make the competition more transparent and to demonstrate the process of determining the winners. "In the first days the bloggers have realized that this is a very serious work, you have to be an experienced professional to treat and to understand the documents presented for the competition", - added Abdikarimova.

"We included them in the group of experts, that is, they have the right to assess. But they are faced with such a problem that it is difficult. They are now trying to find out. But it is their right - whether they want to be bystanders and simply talk about the process, or be involved in choosing the winners", - she explained.

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