
Domestic producers will negotiate with the "affiliates"

8614 просмотров

NCE will organize a meeting of domestic producers with subsidiaries and affiliated companies of JSC "Kazakhstan Engineering"

Issues of long-term contracts between subsidiaries and affiliated companies of JSC "Kazakhstan Engineering" and domestic companies will be discussed at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

Technical experts and competent persons authorized to make decisions on purchasing goods are invited for discussion.

To participate in the meeting it is necessary to send a list of participants, indicating surname and name, position and contact number, list of products, and, if available, a list of problematic issues for negotiation and implementation of long-term contracts with groups of companies of  "Kazakhstan Engineering" to an email address:

Date and venue: November 12, 2015, 16:00 8, Kunaev Street, Administrative  Building "Emerald quarter" block "B", 26th  floor, conference room "Turkistan".

Participants should be registered by 11th of November, 12:00 a.m.

If you have any questions please contact the expert of the Department of public procurement and local content Kairzhanov Arman Tel. +7 7172 919 359 (ext.1991).

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