
Сontrol metering devices at petroleum depots: undue haste

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Adoption of new control metering devices in January of 2016 could negatively affect the financial situation of the production and storage of petroleum depots and petrol stations.

This was discussed at the 14th meeting of the Committee of Oil and Gas Industry of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

According to the business community, undue haste in making this decision could lead to the fact that domestic petroleum depots and petrol stations will suffer losses.

"Transition to the new system of control metering devices requires a more detailed review and time and amendment of some parts of legislation, as the introduced regulations for control metering devices, during the summer of this year, are unreasonably strict and, accordingly, entail significant financial costs for companies", - say domestic entrepreneurs.

According to them, by the due date (January 2016) it is impossible to ensure the transition to the new control metering devices, besides, it will adversely affect the financial situation of the petroleum depots and petrol stations. However, participants noted that they fully support the principles of openness and transparency of the business in this area.

The meeting also discussed another equally urgent question - the regulation of greenhouse gases. It was noted that the work on the suspension of certain articles of Chapter 9-1 of the Environmental Code of Kazakhstan "State regulation of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases” is ongoing. A national plan of allocation of quotas for greenhouse gas emissions in the years 2016-2020 on the basis of calculations of greenhouse gas emissions on the project capacity of the enterprise is on.

The agenda of the meeting of the Committee of oil and gas industry NCE RK "Atameken" was quite saturated, in particular, there were presented reports on the results of the X Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY, activity report of NDTAssociation.

They also considered a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the oil and gas industry in technical standards and the problematic issues of interstate standards, technical regulations in the oil and gas industry, including in the framework of the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Union.

During the meeting was marked the successful celebration of the anniversary of the forum KAZENERGY. This year's event was attended by about 3230 people from 53 countries. Media coverage was carried out by more than 100 media organizations.

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