
In what to dress soldiers?

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National standards for military apparel are developed in Kazakhstan

As it is known, the work of military men is specific as they have to serve in various conditions, including the field, and it is very important for a soldier or an officer to dress in comfortable, warm and quality clothing. The apparel of military men, who protect the Motherland, plays an important role today.

This is issue was discussed at the meeting of the Subcommittee of Light Industry of the Secretariat of the Committee of manufacturing industry NCE RK "Atameken". The participants discussed issues of development of national standards for uniforms.

The discussion was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, the State Security Service of the RK, Committee of Emergency Situations of MIA of RK, the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, the National Guard Service of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of industrial enterprises.

"The development of national standards of Kazakhstan for uniforms is an important factor in determining the quality of military uniforms. It is important that all companies connected to this work present their suggestions and comments to the Association", - said Lubov Khudova, president of the Association of Light Industry Enterprises. According to her, 55 projects of national standards are being developed in Kazakhstan.

Military men need a new fashion, but how should it look like? Of course, military people know better. But before they make a choice, they have to familiarize themselves with the work of designers, who design apparels for Kazakh soldiers. In this regard, the chief of the Apparel Department of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan Ruslan Kokishev asked the company to provide standards-samples for specification of projects of national standards.

Heads of light industry enterprises presented their suggestions for additions and changes in presented items according to the national standards.

At the meeting of the Subcommittee of light industry was considered another important issue - the formation of defense order for 2016. As it was stated by the representatives of the light industry, there is a number of problematic issues related to the establishment of a competitive price, taking into account the devaluation of the national currency.

On this occasion, the acting Secretary of the Committee of manufacturing industry NCE RK Tolegen Moldakhmetov reported that NCE has conducted an analysis, including the cost of production of light industry enterprises.

"According to the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the MNE in the cost structure of light industry enterprises, more than 60% of the costs are accounted for raw materials (fabrics, reminiscing materials), 18% - payroll. Almost all the raw materials are imported from abroad. During the period of November 2015 to the current period the national currency devalued by 70%. In this regard, we consider it expedient for "Kazakhstan Engineering", security forces to carry out an additional market analysis and review of the pricing policy in the formation of the state defense order for 2016", - concluded Tolegen Moldakhmetov.

Representatives of JSC "Kazakhstan Engineering", supporting the proposal, noted that in the shortest possible time the matter will be submitted for review of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC "Samruk-Kazyna".

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