
Wind for the EXPO

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Akmola Region will supply Astana with "green energy"

Several wind farms will be built in the region on the eve of the opening of the World Expo 2017. This was announced today at the briefing by Akim of the region Sergey Kulagin, answering the question, what will be the contribution of the Akmola region to Expo 2017. "There is one working wind farm, we are now considering the construction of another one in Arshaly District, we have determined the location and the land plot", - said the Akim. The same wind farm will be built in Shortandy district, and at the territory of the Tselinograd district will be built solar power farm. Land plots have been allocated for this purposes, assured Kulagin. It is not excluded that similar projects will be implemented in Zerenda and Atbasar districts.

In addition, the region is preparing actively to demonstrate for all guests of EXPO 2017 the beauty of Shuchinsk-Borovoe resort area. Akim noted that for this purpose is developed "an interesting project".  Besides beautiful places of Borovoe, foreigners will be able to visit Korgalzhyn Reserve. "The only problem that we are trying to solve - it is to repair the road. If the road gets repaired, it will be a very interesting project", - said Sergey Kulagin. According to him, the length of the road is 120 km.

In addition, the existing hotels, lodges, resorts, located in the district of Akmola region and those near the capital Akkol, Bulandy, Shortandy, Burabay district, began to expand the number of rooms. It is expected that the total number of beds will increase to 12 000 by 2017, it is planned to introduce additional 1500 beds in the places of leisure.

Zhanar Serdalina

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