
Trust will be restored to tenge

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The head of state is expecting more effective work of the Government

Greater clarification of the benefits of public-private partnerships, a focus on long-term industrial and investment projects, trust to the national currency, trust to the National Bank, interaction with investors. This is only part of the orders and topics, which were raised today at the extended session of the Government today by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Thus, speaking of the PPP, the President instructed that "its various forms should be used in all areas and should become the main mechanism for the development of infrastructure, including social one".

"Today we have all the conditions for the application of the PPP, the appropriate tax and legal acts were adopted, but there is still no proper effect", - he said. As one of the potential projects for new investments Nazarbaev called road construction under the state program "Nurly Zhol".

"All roads within the program "Nurly Zhol" are toll highways, based on the gained experience with the road "Astana-Borovoye", people pay, but they can use high-quality roads, and  it is always possible to attract investors to build such toll roads", - said N. Nazarbayev. In this regard, President instructed public authorities, local administrations and personally the Minister of National Economy Erbolat Dosayev" to carry out a large-scale methodological work.

The head of state is waiting for big achievements in the implementation of the second five-year plan of industrialization. The main criteria for the economic and industrial projects should be an increase in performance, while "we need to move away from supporting unproductive sectors".  Therefore, the Government tasked to support only forward-looking and export-oriented projects.

The President also proposed to revise the ways of bankruptcy observed in the economy. When an enterprise goes bankrupt "there is no need to close it", "nobody does bankruptcy that way", - said N. Nazarbayev.

"In the world every day millions of companies go bankrupt, millions of companies created from scratch, and no one notices that. And when companies go bankrupt in our country, we close the company and dismiss employees right away", - said the President of Kazakhstan. He recalled that in the event of insolvency, the state can support enterprises, but it does not mean "to stop production and to fire people". "Other manager is invited and starts to manage the operation process", - advised  N. Nazarbayev.

The Head of State also touched upon one of the most important topics today - the activities of the National Bank and trust to tenge. Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed that " National Bank is the main and the only body that explains in clear language to people what is happening in the financial world as a whole and what is happening in our country, so that people are educated in this regard".

"Now they are educated anyway, as life made us to comprehend these matters. Lately, it did not happen, there were no explanations of the global trends and their impact, not because of ill will for worse thing to happen. No.", - said the head of state. "I hope that trust to the bank, and credibility to tenge will be recovered, we have no other", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In addition, the President proposed not to complain about the crisis, and to try to find it in the pros. "Any reform is a painful thing for managers. But a bold manager overcomes it, because as a result it brings benefit to people ", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

It is expected that the details of the further social and economic development of Kazakhstan will be specified in the Address to the People of Kazakhstan.

"In more detail, what we need to do in these difficult times with explanation of the concrete steps, I will announce in my next Addresse, which I plan to make this year", - concluded the President.

Zhanar Serdalina

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