
Learn about business at school

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NCE RK "Atameken" stands for Early Study of Entrepreneurship and offers mandatory study of basics of business at school

This was discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the social sphere and social partnership of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", which was held with participation of representatives of relevant government agencies, industry associations and NGOs working in the field of education.

NCE believes that it is time to change the system of education fundamentally, and therefore proposed to the Ministry of Education and Science to include the subject "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" in the state mandatory standards of secondary education (for 5-11grades). According to NCE, it is also necessary to develop pilot educational programs on the subject "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship", as well as tutorial and teaching materials.

Why did NCE come with such an initiative? Alas, today there is a situation when the country simply doesn’t have enough skilled workers at the labor market, and there are good reasons: our children do not get business skills in our schools, they don’t learn the basics of business and they don’t have knowledge of the market.

Introduction of the subject "Man. Society. Right ", unfortunately, didn’t ensure a sufficient amount of knowledge on the basics of business, and as a result, graduates are unaware of the conditions of the labor market. The current system is hardly focused on the development of creative potential of schoolchildren, on the development of an initiative and other social skills that would enable more graduates to predict their business activity in the future.

Meanwhile, as it was noted at the NCE, the current economic situation in terms of accession to the EAEU and the forthcoming accession to the WTO raises the question of the competitiveness of our businesses that have to compete with more serious and impressive players on a given market, in fact, with the giants of the world of business. Certainly, it is impossible to do it without qualified personnel.

The same was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

"Today,  the most important is human resources, not money, not technologies and equipment. We want the Ministry of Education and Science to hear us, in the current circumstances it is very important to pay attention to early study of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, the education system is constructed in such a way that we, first of all, prepare professionals with “narrow" scope, but we don’t teach them how to orient in the future in terms of establishing their own business. But even the future hairdressers, who study at vocational schools, may open a business, thereby feed themselves and give work to several other people. In my opinion, we need to teach entrepreneurship early at school, as it is done in European countries", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

As an example, he cited a convincing experience of Sweden, which has been teaching students to the basics of entrepreneurship at schools for a long time. Moreover, they now intend to introduce this innovation in kindergartens that is already at an early age, they are trying to cultivate creativity, develop thinking in the spirit of innovation among kids, etc.

In this regard, deputy president of the NCE proposed to introduce the subject in schools to teach the basics of entrepreneurship from 7 grade. At the same time the subject should not provide students only with some knowledge of economics, but should be conducted in the form of a game, which would stimulate the development of entrepreneurial spirit among children.

Of course, it is impossible in such a short time to radically change the educational program at schools, it will take time. According to Altaev, we need textbooks, teaching methodology, we need to prepare a pool of teachers. On its behalf, NCE is ready to provide a list of experts, well-known businessmen, who can teach based on their experience how to be a businessman, how to develop a commercial spirit in them. The Deputy Chairman of NCE also stated that the Chamber is ready to assist in the release of relevant textbooks.

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