
Problems with reconciliation of veterinary documents at the border will be resolved in 5 days

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Entrepreneurs got an explanation of the mechanism of movement of goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) in accordance with the commitments in the framework of Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO

Discussion of this issue was held at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" with participation of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva and executives of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Domestic processing enterprises, producers of agricultural products, veterinarians, as well as shippers got familiar with the procedure of import / export of goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) to other EAEU states in accordance with the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan within its accession to the WTO.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, opening the round table, referred to the mechanisms of management of import and movement of goods belonging to a list of exemptions, for which will be applied reduced import duties in Kazakhstan.

Department of economic integration of NCE RK "Atameken", on the basis of taken decisions at different levels of national and supranational legislation, presented a mechanism for monitoring circulation of such goods.

According to Dana Zhunusova, now State Revenue Committee of MF RK is developing the necessary amendments to the national regulatory framework with the aim of introducing a mechanism to monitor circulation of goods belonging to a list of exemptions. NCE RK "Atameken" will inform local entrepreneurs about it in the near future.

Let’s remind that earlier "Atameken" published information that in the field of animal health measures, upon accession to the WTO Kazakhstan committed itself to apply the requirements that differ from the requirements of regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union in this area. In particular, Kazakhstan has received permission to import to its territory goods subject to veterinary inspection, two-way certificates, which are different from the common forms of veterinary certificates in EAEU. The list of certificates in the agreed format of the European Union for the Republic of Kazakhstan includes 13 Certificates (NCE published the list on the website of NCE RK "Atameken").

Goods with FEACN codes 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0405, 0406, 0407, 0504 00 000 0, 2105 00, 3501, 3503 00 (processed dairy products - yoghurt, cream, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk, and others. ; animal gut; gelatin group; casein) don’t require the inclusion of companies in the Register of enterprises of third countries of EAEU during the importation to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As you know, one of the objectives of the veterinary service is to ensure epizootic well-being and prevent the introduction and spread of particularly dangerous diseases of animals and birds. A harmonized approach to the sanitary and veterinary measures in EAEU and the existing supranational regulatory framework create a single environment for enterprises controlled by the veterinary service.

Kazakhstan’s application of requirements that differ from the requirements of the EAEU required a commitment on its part to ensure the introduction of the traceability system, which is approved by all other Member States for veterinary control (supervision) of goods.

In addition to the traceability system there is an obligation that if the controlled goods and products made from them, were imported by a veterinary certificate that is different from common forms of certificates of the EAEU, the Republic of Kazakhstan shall not permit export of such goods and products.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture is working with authorities in the field of veterinary medicine of the EAEU to ensure smooth movement of controlled goods imported under the applicable requirements of the regulatory framework of the EAEU in the sphere of veterinary and sanitary measures.

On 17th of November this year the Ministry of Agriculture held a meeting with representatives of the competent authorities in the field of veterinary medicine of the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus, during which was approved the plan and the timetable for integration of information systems EASU in the agricultural sector and Argus (RF).

Reference: EASU in the agricultural sector - it is a single automated control system of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK, which keeps records and analysis of cargo flows of controlled products.

Argus (RF) – is an automated system designed to automate the process of consideration of applications for import, export or transit of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, process of issuing permits or refusal of goods subject to the state veterinary control.

 In order to bring to the attention of the business the new conditions, the Vice-Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva presented a scheme of movement of controlled goods when imported from third countries in order to ensure traceability of the goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) in respect of which the Republic of Kazakhstan made commitments that differ from the requirements of the EAEU and implementation measures.

Isayeva focused attention of entrepreneurs to the fact that for business the scheme of work does not change. Controlled goods under the existing requirements, will be exported in the presence of accompanying veterinary documents.

According to the chairman of the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture S. Khasenova, traceability of controlled products will be achieved through further development and further integration of the information system of the Ministry of Agriculture - EASU in the agricultural sector with a system of Argus (RF). Prior to integration of the systems, the Committee of veterinary control and supervision will provide access for the authorized state bodies of the EAEU in the field of veterinary medicine to the information system EASU in the agricultural sector regarding information about issued veterinary certificates.

One of the main issues, that were the subject of intense discussion at the round table, was the order of movement of controlled goods from the territory of Kazakhstan to the neighboring states of the EAEU in the presence of all the necessary shipping documents, as well as how under the current condition will be executed export of such goods. Businessmen, particularly carriers, are concerned about possible problems at the border with import of controlled goods to the territory of other states of EAEU.

As for certain issues, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture explained that between the competent authorities in the field of veterinary medicine of the EAEU was reached an agreement that in cases where may occur failure at the border with reconciliation of veterinary accompanying documents in a paper form (issued by the competent authority) with electronic forms of information databases, there will be given 5 days.

During this period Kazakhstani producers, suppliers and / or carriers, which carried out the import of controlled goods to the territory of the Russian Federation, apply to the authorized bodies of Veterinary Medicine of the EAEU to bring in order the relevant information on veterinary certificates in the national system of traceability of the veterinary service of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IOI, KVKN) and no actions will be applied then to the goods by the authorized bodies of the Member States of EAEU.

However, in order to minimize possible risks when exporting controlled goods, the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture is prepared to provide access to the information system EASU for representatives of regional offices of NCE RK "Atameken". Thus, Kazakhstan's business will be able to check availability of the accompanying veterinary documents in the national traceability system in an electronic form.

During the discussion the executive director of the Association of Legal Entities "Milk Union of Kazakhstan" Kozhevnikov thanked NCE RK "Atameken" and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture for the opportunity to participate in such an event, and noted that it is the first time that business obtained a normative clarification of legal acts prior to their entry into force.

In addition, the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova said that in order to support awareness of the business community will operate a hotline for issues related to the merger and the conditions of work in the WTO on issues related to sanitary and veterinary measures.

Responsible Officer of NCE RK "Atameken" - Seisenov Bolat Sekenovich, phone: +7 (7172) 919325.

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