
Does knowledge of schoolchildren reflect the contents of textbooks?

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Each publisher may, in accordance with state educational standards, develop and approve its curricula and to print textbooks

This was discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the social sphere and social partnership the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" held with participation of businessmen, representatives of state bodies in the field of education.

Natalya Novoseltseva, the representative of the publishing house "Kokzhiek" engaged in production of textbooks, said that in publishing textbooks the publishing house is guided by international standards, the involvement of international experts.

"For the first time in Kazakhstan, the publishing house and a team led by Professor Orazbayeva created leveled books" The Kazakh language" from 1 to 11 classes", - said Novoseltseva. According to her, the publishing house Kokzhiek ", having the team of authors and well-known in the world of international partners, is ready to take part in the competition to create a single basic textbook.

"But there are several points to which the attention of public should be paid. To eliminate any corruption schemes, it is necessary to introduce clear requirements for the basic textbooks, and so that businesses can prepare their tutorial calmly, without haste, and these requirements need to be communicated to us in advance. And the requirements must define the concept of a "basic single textbook", requirements for textbooks of different profiles and different types of schools. If in 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science introduces a basic textbook, then now must be presented characteristics of a unified basic textbook for public discussion. Publishers must have time to write this tutorial, they should carry out their examination by clear criteria, and with the involvement of international experts, and only after that textbooks should pass approbation", - said N.Novoseltseva.

Speaking about the program of the updated content of education, she said that it’s being tested, but has not been approved by the Government.

"By which program to prepare textbooks by the approved standard, as required by regulations or by renewal program of education?" - the representative of the publishing house “Kokzhiek” put a reasonable question. She noted that all these steps are necessary to define a specific time frame, which should be governed by the same regulations.

As noted Novoseltseva in 2015 -2016 academic year has already begun testing of the new state obligatory standards of education that meet international standards of human functional literacy.

"Functional literacy includes initiative, the ability to think creatively, to find creative solutions, the ability to choose a professional way, the willingness to learn throughout life, the basics of entrepreneurship. All these skills are formed in the school", - said N. Novoseltseva urging  “not to stand still, and go beyond the state standard”.

The publisher said how a textbook should look like, noting that textbooks and programs, which  didn’t pass the examination, are being tested now.

"We believe that every publisher should present to the Ministry of Education its program for each educational area. The Ministry in an open competition selects the correct program compiled by SES and writes a textbook on it. Then, indeed, we will have modern textbooks, meeting all international standards", - summed up the publisher.

It was also noted that the public itself should determine the choice of textbooks and teaching materials.

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