
Land plot put up for an auction

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NCE propose a new scheme for obtaining land plots

This was discussed at a meeting on optimization of the procedure of granting land plots

The announced initiative involves simplification of procedures for obtaining land plots, as well as solving the problems caused by the ban on the provision of land plots for construction in the absence of an approved master plan, a plan of detailed planning and a development scheme.

The participants of the meeting (the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, business associations and other non-profit organizations) talked about the difficulties and lengthy procedures of obtaining land plots.

"In terms of land relations and use of the land fund, our businessmen can’t get an access to land, because there is no adequate information on the grounds. And when we talk to our regional counterparts, they do not deny that there is a similar problem. In addition, quite often they refuse with the phrase "there is no plan of detailed planning" and at this point the work stops", - said the Managing Director / Director of the Department of Regional Development of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov.

Over the past two years, the procedure for granting land plots and change of the purpose of land have been reviewed and there were changes made to the Land Code. However, according to NCE, this is not enough. And the current land legislation preserves the norms, which create serious administrative barriers for entrepreneurs and the conditions for corruption violations on the part of officials. And in some cases, rights for a land plot are granted in violation of the current legislation and in the absence of an approved detailed design plan, a development scheme, and non-compliance of the requested land with the purpose according to a master plan, DDP, the development scheme, reflecting the corruption component of the activities of local authorities.

Therefore, NCE has studied the experience of several countries, including the model of land relations in Georgia, Hungary and Australia. During the meeting, a proposal was made to establish a new system of land. The scheme is very simple: Akimats independently determine the available land plots and put them up for an auction.

"There is no big disagreement with this scheme on the ground. And we believe that it will not require infusions of budget funds. The bottom line is that Akimats themselves now will determine the list of free sites on the basis of applications of entrepreneurs, either on the basis of studying the land - cadastral schemes, which, according to the Land Code, are updated weekly. Then this list must be published. One month is given for a submission of an application. If several people apply, the auction is held. I want to note, this is only a draft of a new model of land relations", - said the director of the Department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers NCE RK Ustemirov Erbol.

In addition, during the meeting were discussed the problems in the provision of technical conditions. The main barrier to the development of the business, entrepreneurs see in the absence of clear information on available capacity. And offer to fix the subjects of natural monopolies responsibility for the maintenance of an electronic database on the availability of free and available capacity, locations, performance throughput of regulated utility networks (goods, works), as circuits of  engineering networks. NCE believe that such changes will significantly reduce the operating costs of businesses in the preparation of technical specifications.

In addition, this innovation will improve the performance of the country in the World Bank's rating “Doing Business” for the indicator "Connection to the power supply system".

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