
Nursultan Nazarbayev: "Buy Domestic Goods!"

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The head of state called on Kazakhstani residents to support the domestic light industry

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited LLP "Kazlegprom-Almaty". As reported the press service of Akorda, the President got acquainted with the activities of the enterprise, examined one of the production units. Elbasy visited an exhibition of products of large and medium-sized enterprises of light industry of the city.

Talking with the staff of the enterprise, Nursultan Nazarbayev focused on the issues of public support of domestic producers.

"I want to say to all Kazakhstanis: we need to buy domestic products, including shoes and suits “ Made in Kazakhstan”. If the light industry will begin to "breathe", the people working in the enterprises of the sector, will receive a salary, pay taxes to the state. It is beneficial to all: there are revenues, there are products of own production in the country. It is necessary to continuously improve the quality of products", - said the head of state.

LLP "Kazlegprom-Almaty" is a large industrial enterprise producing shoes and clothing. The company designs apparel for military and security forces. The factory was opened 4 years ago, from this moment the number of employees has increased by 15 times.

Today, production capacity allows to manufacture 1.5 million garments and 400,000 pairs of shoes a year. All products have CT-KZ certificates, where the share of Kazakhstani content indicators is 50-75%. Over the last two years production has increased by 6.8 times from 393 million tenge to 2.7 billion tenge.


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