
Virtual discussion of real laws

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The system of "people's law" allows wide public to discuss draft laws and comment on each article of any draft law

NCE RK together with the Eurasian Lawyers Club developed a centralized online system of crowd sourcing for public discussion of draft laws in the informational system "BestProfi" - "The People's Law".

All draft law, which are submitted to "Atameken" for expertise, are promptly entered into the system along with all the annexes thereto. Anyone can see the entire history of the discussion of any draft RLA from the very first to the last edition.

Access to any draft law in the "people's law" system is free, and anyone can take part in the discussion and analysis of the regulatory impact of regulations, legislative work of public authorities and thus contribute to the development of the legislative activities of the state.

The system allows wide public to discuss the draft laws and to comment on each article of the draft for any persons, with public comments on the articles of the draft law are divided on the subjects of comments: 1) experts; 2) people; 3) state authorities; 4) business association. For each comment, you can vote by clicking "Like" or "dislike". Comments can be sorted by date, popularity, rating, state agencies, business associations and experts.

Comments to the projects are open and available to view for any user, which ensures transparency of the entire process of discussion and adoption of a draft law. All specialists of NCE RK can see all comments to draft laws and take them into account during the expertise, which will improve the quality of expert work of NCE RK.

The list of draft laws, which are submitted to NCE for expertise, is spread on daily basis by an automatic notification e-mail.

If you wish to receive news about the projects of normative legal acts, which are submitted for expertise of NCE RK, please send your e-mails to our e-mail: or call 7 (727) 357 23 16

The instructions can be found here

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