
More than 5000 enterprises experience lack of 67 thousand professionals

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This information was announced at a press briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

"This year we conducted a survey of 5,500 companies, which showed that domestic enterprises experience lack of about 67 thousand specialists. The specialists are in demand by these enterprises, but it is hard to find them on the market ", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, last year we adopted a Roadmap of dual education, within which a number of companies have placed an order for training of required specialists.

"Within the frames of the Roadmap of the dual training, there were concluded tripartite agreements between enterprises, colleges and professionals. Currently, more than 16 000 specialists undergo training. It is expected that in 2016, those who study now enterprises, will receive diplomas and will start to work at the production units", - said the deputy chairman of NCE RK.

According to him, at the signing of the tripartite agreements with the enterprises, companies undertake responsibility to employ these professionals after graduation.

"It is gratifying that the head of state in his address to the nation said that the system of technical and vocational education for young people will be free. This makes education accessible. We believe that now a large number of young people will go to colleges and start to master manual trades",- said Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, in connection with the upcoming launch of the project "Free professional technical education for all", NCE is ready to expand cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science. Thus, according to Nurzhan Altaev, entrepreneurs are ready to give orders to colleges for training.

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