
Baursak – hands down winner

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In the town of Balashikha of Moscow region opened a grocery store "Baursak", selling products made in Kazakhstan

Moscow retail chain "Baursak" opened an outlet in the Moscow suburb. The trading chain is engaged in the retail sale and delivery of products from Kazakhstan to Moscow and the Moscow region.

"For 3 years of work on the Russian market, we productively cooperate with representatives of confectioneries and such brands as "Rakhat", "Bayan Sulu", "Almaty product", "Kondiz", "Elsyor", "Lia ", " Kemmy", "Kublei, "Semipalatinsk meat-packing plant", "Omega-spetzii"," Beles "," Bizhan ", "Teahouse", "Rakhmet", "Baron", - said the director of the company, adding that these products have distinguished taste.

By the way, the company works in Moscow and the Moscow region since February 2012. So, their stores are located in Moscow's Preobrazhensk market (pavillion 58), in the metro area Marino (farmers' market "Veterok"), Metro Kashirskaya (farmers' market "Veterok"), town of Podolsk, 1, Sverdlovskaya street, Moscow region.

Recently, the company solemnly opened a grocery store "Baursak" in Balashikha of Moscow Region (9, Parkovaya street). The shop can boast a wide range of products from the usual sweet tea, ending with a very exotic foods, such as canned horsemeat. Residents of Balashikha, who came to the opening of the store, with the features of Kazakh cuisine, could taste baursaks, beshbarmak and mare milk.

The first buyer of the new store was Tatiana Kotelnikova, Head of the Consumer Market and Services of Balashikha. Her choice fell on the famous Kazakh dairy drink – mare milk. Some customers liked horse meat sausage, someone chose pasta and pasta products, the residents of Balashikha are very fond of chocolate products and confectionery. And the owners of the shop guarantee exceptional quality of these products.

"All of our products are unique because of high quality, very good taste and they are produced in compliance with the best culinary traditions. The opening of the store in the town is not random, the residents of Balashikha asked us about it", - says the director of the Moscow trading chain "Baursak" Elena Kondakova, who, by the way, is originally from Kazakhstan.

According to her, the trading chain "Baursak" regularly takes part in exhibitions in Balashikha, and the study of the local consumer market urged the company to open a shop.

Initially, Kondakova said that the range of Kazakhstani goods was small. There were problems with the delivery of products. But as the demand on Kazakhstani goods has increased significantly in recent years, the company decided to expand the business.

The heads of Kazakh enterprises came to the opening of the shop. Those whose products proved to be popular with Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region, which, of course, shows the development of export-oriented businesses. It is worth noting that there about 4 million people in Balashikha, and this is the first store with Kazakhstani goods.

According to Kazakh entrepreneurs', of course, competition exists, but it is healthy. Now, they say consumers do not chase the cheap products, they prefer to buy high quality products.

Success has been achieved belied entrepreneurs and they are absolutely not afraid of long distances, or fierce competition with local manufacturers, because the Russians had already fell in love with the Kazakh products, and demand, as we know, generates supply.

We would like to add that today our country is an important supplier to the Russian capital. Kazakhstani products account for 20% of total supplies from the CIS countries. Moreover, as it was noted in the Department of Commerce in Moscow, the demand for Kazakhstani goods grows.

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