
Fashion, patriotism and "Atameken"

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The first store of Kazakhstani designers was opened in Astana with the support of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK

The volatility of tenge exchange rate has made retailers of imported clothing to switch gradually to the promotion of domestic designer brands. The proof of this was the opening of the first store “Fashion park” in the capital of Kazakhstan, where women's, children's clothing and jewelry made by Kazakhstani designers is well represented. These items are exhibited in a separate showroom, which is located next to the trading hall with imported goods. The owners of the store Zhanar Suleimenova and Aliya Abdibaitova noted that today the demand for fashion products, which are produced in Kazakhstan, is quite stable.

"We have long been engaged in retailing, we have been doing it professionally - said Zhanar Abdibaitova. - We were selling imported brands. Now due to the fact that the dollar exchange has increased, prices have risen, however, we observed that there is interest to the Kazakh producers".

Therefore, the creator of “Fashion park” without  hesitation, decided to open a shop in the capital of Kazakhstan. However, they assured that its doors are open for all market professionals. "It is very difficult to start a business for one designer, to rent premises, to keep staff, and to handle it. We believe that they will sew and create, and we will sell items", - added Zhanar Suleimenova.

But even the presence of retail space, loud signs can’t serve as a guarantee of success. Speaking on this subject, the owner of the showroom noted the importance of the support provided to them by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". "We appealed to NCE RK "Atameken", they provided informational support to us. Thank you very much for it, without the aid of "Atameken", not many people would know about us", - said Aliya Abdibaitova.

The showroom exhibits collections of 30 Kazakhstani designers. Their names and trademarks are indicated on the plates in the showroom. More clothing and accessories are coming from ten designers. We have signed a contract with each of them. The geography of deliveries is as follows: Almaty, Astana, Aktau, Atyrau, Shymkent. The main criteria for the selection of goods the owners of the showroom name "the presence of their collections of worthy quality and professionalism". "And it is important for us to sell only well made, high-quality goods", - said Aliya Abdibaitova.

Opening of the store aroused great interest among the capital's fashion lovers, they spent money generously on the first purchase. Of course, individual prices are quite high, but we are talking about highly clothes and jewelry. The show of evening dresses also arose interest among city dwellers, which were created by Kazakhstani designers. Congratulations and wish words were voiced by guests, among them the famous fashion designer Kuralay Nurkadilova and pop star Marzhan Arapbaeva. Representatives of some brands, whose clothes are already exhibited in the store, are optimistic about the prospects of Kazakhstan's fashion-industry. "We call upon all our compatriots to choose in the first place, goods made in Kazakhstan, because it develops our industry, and secondly, it is really nice, in the third place it is affordable", - summed up the young Kazakhstani designer Minaya Elgondy.

Address of the store: Astana, 10, Dostyk street, opposite of the shopping center "Keruen".

Zhanar Serdalina

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