
Business is under protection

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During 10 months of 2015, the Chamber protected the rights of entrepreneurs in the total amount of 1.6 billion tenge

One of the main activities of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region is protection of the rights of business. And this is quite understandable, because in the conditions of an increasing inter-state integration the interests of our entrepreneurs need to be protected not only in Kazakhstan but also in the vast Eurasian Economic Union.

This opinion was expressed Mukash Iskandirov, general director of "Kazphosphate", the chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region.

"If we talk about the EAEU, for our region the issue of cooperation with the Kyrgyz partners is crucial. But the region has a lot of problems faced by business. The proof of this is the set up Council for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs under the Regional Chamber, which has already managed to help many businesses", - said the head of the Regional Council.

The results of the work of the Council were discussed at meeting where the regional chamber of entrepreneurs reported on the results of its operations for the 10 months of 2015. For greater efficiency, the Chamber is working closely with the regional prosecutor's office, there is a memorandum of cooperation and a joint action plan.

Out of 240 appeals received from business entities 59 were related to the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the end 28 of them have been positively resolved.

"Our company – LLP "Kazphosphate", which is the flagship of the country's chemical industry also felt the support of NCE RK "Atameken". Recently I sent a letter to the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, thanking him for their assistance in resolving the issue of exemption of additional costs for LLP "Kazphosphate" as a result of participation in the scheme of foreign electric power exchange of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Kyrgyz Republic. The solution to this problem will not prevent the growth of the cost of products, containing phosphorus and ensure its competitiveness in the international market", - said Mukash Iskandirov.

According to him, many of the problems are systemic in nature, relevant to other regions of the country. For example, the relationship with the tax authorities. Thus, the employees of the State Revenue accused the businessman Abzal Isakov in failure to submit to the tax authorities the accompanying documentation for internal displacement of petroleum products. As a result, Mr. Isakov has been fined with the confiscation of the proceeds in the amount of 26.8 million tenge. Only after the intervention of the Regional Chamber, the businessmen managed to cancel confiscation, the entrepreneur managed to retain a considerable amount in circulation.

The Chamber managed to free an entrepreneur A. Shynybekov from the payment of fines amounting to more than 1.5 billion tenge. With regard to the inactivity of veterinary services in the case of death of 400 sheep in the farm "Beybіtshіlіk" of Zhualy District, RCE managed to initiate proceedings against the perpetrators.

"The actions of the Council managed to restore the rights of a businessman Nicholay Kim, who could not get a permit in Akimat of Taraz for trade of fast food products from the mobile equipped truck. The guilty officials were brought to justice, there was created a working group to determine the locations of the itinerant trade. There are many facts when Zhambyl entrepreneurs got real help from the RCE. This is eloquently the following figures: in 10 months of 2015 the Chamber managed to defend the rights of entrepreneurs in the total amount of 1.6 billion tenge", - concluded the chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs M. Iskandirov.

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