
School and hospital canteens can close throughout Kazakhstan

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The cost of rent of municipal property increased 10-20 times

At a meeting of the Council on protection of rights of entrepreneurs under NCE RK "Atameken", which took place at the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was raised the issue of business, lease of municipal property for the catering industry. Due to the approval by the Minister of National Economy of RK of the new rules on state property lease, the cost of rent of municipal property has increased significantly. Most of the leased communal property: canteens at schools, clinics and military units.

"Our entrepreneurs do not understand why the rent has increased dramatically, what economic step it is and where to take money to cover the increased rent. We are talking about social objects, that’s why the shift of the cost of rent on food prices is impossible. It is not profitable for entrepreneurs to work at school cafeterias, canteens and military medical institutions. There are main visitors - social workers, civil servants, whose salaries are small. That is, it affects the majority of our population. It is necessary to feed people", - said chairman of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK Gani Kasymov.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of National Economy did not pass the draft of the Regulation to NCE RK for obligatory examination, which is a violation of the law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs".

"More than 30 tenants appealed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. According to preliminary calculations, the cost of rent of state property increased by more than 9 times. As it became clear later, such an increase of rent affected only tenants of school canteens. For tenants of catering facilities in public institutions such as hospitals, military institutions, the Interior Ministry and other military units, rent increased by 19-28 times", - said the Head of the Legal Protection Unit of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Saltanat Lesbaeva.

According to her, the reason for the increase of the cost of rent, firstly, a change in the base rate for the estimated cost; secondly, the coefficient of a territorial location; thirdly, the coefficient of a type of activity.

"On 23rd of June were introduced amendments to the rules, as a result the rates for all tenants of the state property were reduced insignificantly by changing the coefficient of territorial location from 3 to 2. For tenants of school canteens the area of dining halls and payment of rent during the summer vacation was excluded from the rate", - said the representative of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

Lesbaeva cited the example of IE "Amanzholova", who rents a dining room in the city hospital #4 of Turksib district of Almaty city. The cost of rent for the dining room in 2014 amounted to 120 824 tenge per year, in 2015 to 129 305 tenge. After the adoption of the Rules the price increased to 3 million 740 thousand 628 tenge per year. Thus, the rent increased by 28 times. After adjustment the cost was 2 million 494 thousand 752 tenge, 19 fold increase.

"Currently, the issue of payment of rent for the period from 17th of March 2015 to 23rd of June 2015 in the said regulation remains unresolved because it contains no direct indication that the changes made to the rules should be applied from the moment of change, but not from the moment of adoption of the Regulation. The Departments of Finance send systematically to tenants notifications, demanding to renew the lease at the new rates. Whereas the validity of existing contracts expires on 31st of December this year. In addition, the notification contain requirements to pay rent for the period from March to June of this year at inflated rates that are higher than previously applied 9-28 times. We are talking about the vast sums. The newly introduced rental rates in all regions come into effect from January 2016. Only in the city of Almaty tenants are required to pay rent at the new rates since March of this year ", - she said.

Gani Kasymov said that the situation calls for a speedy resolution. "Let's make a joint resolution, we recommend the General Prosecutor’s Office to assess the legality of the rules on state property lease, approved by order of the Minister of National Economy on 17th of March 2015 #212», - he said.

Deputy General Prosecutor Andrey Kravchenko agreed with him, adding: "We are already working on it".

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