
Karim Masimov: "Atameken" applies a balanced and consolidated approach to solution of all problems"

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Today at the meeting of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" were summed up the results of activity in the past year and announced new goals

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Karim Massimov, the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov. In assessing the economic situation of 2015, Karim Massimov noted that "it was not an easy year, as prices for Kazakhstani raw materials varied".

"We need to work out in collaboration a concrete action plan that we will undertake, what steps will be taken to achieve fruitful results in 2016", - said the head of the Government. He noted that "the questions of monetary policy were considered almost at every meeting, this issue became more or less stable at the moment".

Speaking about the tasks for the future, Karim Massimov noted the forthcoming discussion of ways for the use of the means of Uniform Accumulative Pension Fund. This issue was announced the day before yesterday at the enlarged session of the Government of Kazakhstan. "Money of UAPF are not our money, not the money of the state. The means of the pension fund belong to depositors. And, first of all, we must think how to protect money at UAPF and to multiply the means of our depositors ", - said the head of the Government. He added that the issue of UAPF will be discussed at the next meeting of the Council for Economic Policy. "We are waiting for some consolidated position of "Atameken", Association of financiers, so that we can take into account your points of view", - said Karim Massimov.

Noting the current economic realities, the Prime Minister said that "we enter into a new reality".

"It is quite a long one, and we have to get used to live in the new reality", - said Karim Massimov. At the same time, local businesses have to rely not only on the possibility of opening business in new niches of non-oil sectors of the economy. The Government is also counting on the active participation of domestic business in the upcoming second wave of privatization. The final list of objects to be privatized, will be named on 22nd of December this year at a Government meeting. "We have hope that the Kazakh national business will take an active part in the privatization, because this is a unique moment for the development of all our business and entrepreneurship", - concluded the Prime Minister.

Karim Massimov noted in particular the role and authority of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". "I want to thank you, because in this difficult time, "Atameken" applies a balanced and consolidated approach to all the problems that occur. We understand that there were problems, and these problems could be solved very loudly, but you applied a very balanced approach, as a result we found constructive solutions together with you", - said the head of the Government.

"I hope that next year we can move forward in a constructive manner", - concluded the Prime Minister.

Zhanar Serdalina

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