
Protection and support of business are in priority

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NCE RK "Atameken" summed up the results of its activities in 2015 and introduced the work plan for 2016

Astana hosted the extended session of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" with the participation of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov and the President of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev.

The Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov delivered the report to the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" by the results of 2015 and presented the work plan of NCE RK "Atameken" for 2016.

According to the report of the head of the Board of NCE RK, the priorities of NCE RK "Atameken" include – improvement of the business environment, the analysis of the effectiveness of state support, access of business to financial resources, the development of the procurement system and local content, the development of human capital.

"On 1st of January 2015 came into force the law on radical improvement of the business environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was developed with the active participation of NCE RK, the total economic impact (savings) of the decision for businesses is more than 14 billion tenge per year. We also succeeded in reduction of administrative burden for business by eliminating and streamlining the licensing procedures, reduction of operational costs for businesses. 198 permits out of 481 will be eliminated or 41%. After the adoption of the law in 2016 there will be only 283 permits left",- said in his speech Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

In line with the protection of business in October 2013 were received about 9,600 complaints of entrepreneurs (about 2900 by NCE, 6700 by RCE). We managed to resolve positively 41% of all complains of received by NCE. We canceled penalties and interest for businesses, totaling more than 16 billion tenge (8,7 billion tenge in 11 months of 2015).

The Chairman of the Board of NCE also announced that the Entrepreneurial Code was adopted, according to which from January 1, 2016 will be introduced the institution of the Business Ombudsman (Ombudsman for entrepreneurs).

In 188 regional centers, single industry towns, small cities were opened and operate Business Support Centers (BSC), 23 Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs (CSE).

One of the pressing issues is access of business to finances. "Within the framework of the Uniform Programme "BRM-2020" was supported the proposal of NCE RK on additional funding in the amount of 7.2 billion tenge for inflow in the working capital that will finance loans totaling about 100 billion tenge. The proposal of NCE RK on increase of the rate of subsidies to 16% was supported. Out of these, 9% will be paid by an entrepreneur, and the difference will be subsidized by the state. It was offered to allocate 25 billion tenge from the National Fund to finance new investment projects, to refinance loans of large industrial enterprises ", - said the head of the Board of NCE RK.

Another urgent problem is procurements. As it was noted by the head of the Board of NCE, within 10 months of this year "Atameken" received 353 complaints on irregularities in the procurement sphere (in 2014 - 268 complaints). "In 40% of cases of violations of the requirements by adjusting tender documentation for a particular vendor and unjustified deviations in state procurement procedures, procurements of JSC" National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", are confirmed by the regulatory authorities", - he said.

The result of joint work of NCE RK and JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna", held from August 1, 2014, is conclusion of 750 long-term contracts worth more than 334.6 billion tenge.

As it was stressed by Ablay Myrzakhmetov, according to surveys of entrepreneurs, a key factor in development is an access to the market. "It is desirable to solve problems with access to the market through business solutions, including the use of PPP instruments. According to him, it is also important to ensure the maximum interests of the Russian business in the privatization process. The Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken", representing the work plan for 2016, announced a number of proposals. Thus, it is proposed to create a Unified Support Center and Escort of Investors by the Regional maps of entrepreneurship development, to transfer redundant Government functions to the self-regulatory organizations (SROs).

NCE RK also made an offer: independent directors of FDE "Damu" (3 persons) are elected by the proposal of NCE RK, as well as to eliminate the duplication of service functions from 2016 and fully transfer these functions to NCE with the transfer to the trust management of operating rooms of Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs in the cities of Astany and Almaty.

NCE also proposed measures for import substitution. "It is necessary to form an inter-ministerial commission on the level of the Government and the Steering Committee on public procurement, the procurement of national companies and subsoil users for the complete audit of all purchased items (highlighting amonf them critical compulsory import substitution and economically viable import substitution) with the participation of NCE and industry associations. To ensure long-term priority purchase of goods from participants of the import substitution program by state bodies, national companies, through the adoption of regulatory legal acts by MF RK on procurement and changes in the procurement rules of JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" and so on ", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

According to him, for the implementation of these measures, we need to make NCE responsible for the functions of the formation of the Unified Register of DP (domestic producers, to give NCE the function of monitoring of all electronic trading platforms (CEC, Samruk-Kazyna, subsoil companies).

"Within the framework of the EAEU and the WTO were proposed the following measures: to introduce the institute of industrial certificate that will allow to form a single database of all producers of Kazakhstan, to create a unified register of bona fide domestic producers (DP) to participate in public procurement and procurement of JSC" National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna” during prequalification selection and to develop rules of industrial subsidies with the aim to differentiate targeted, export and import substitution subsidies under the EAEU and the WTO ", - said chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken "Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

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