
Orient on tenge

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NCE RK "Atameken" recommends to use more the national currency

How do entrepreneurs feel in the context of the ongoing fall of tenge and the storm at the foreign exchange market of Kazakhstan?

Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov commented the situation at the request of the journalists at the Service of Central Communications. He noted that "the current economic realities are characterized by turbulence", and that "today it is very difficult to plan an investment program and long-term investments". "But as they say, in Chinese the word "crisis" consists of two characters - "a great threat" and "a great opportunity”. It is understandable that many businesses hedge their risks, many people adequately approach this process", - said R. Zhursunov.

Under these conditions, said Deputy Chairman of NCE, "we are trying to provide maximum assistance, including conducting outreach campaign with specific groups of entrepreneurs".

"In general, I wanted to repeat the idea stated by the Head of State that it is time to move on in our calculations, and, most importantly, in our mentality to the national currency, to depart from the calculations in dollars", - said Rustam Zhursunov. He stressed that "this issue is very sensitive, very delicate". But the choice in favor of the national currency in the long term is the only opportunity for entrepreneurs to minimize their risks and costs.

Zhanar Serdalina

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