
Collected checks - won a car!

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The winners of the republican campaign "ask a check - win a prize!" were named in Astana

The Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov and the Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance Daulet Ergozhin took part in the award ceremony. This campaign was supported by NCE RK "Atameken" from 1st of April to 30th of November throughout Kazakhstan. The only condition for participation in the campaign was the presentation of checks by the citizens to confirm the purchase of the goods within a specified time. Collection of checks took place at three levels - regional, provincial and national. According to the State Revenue Committee, over two million Kazakhs took part in this campaign. During today's ceremony Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that "this campaign is important not only for Kazakhstan, but also for entrepreneurs in improving the tax culture".

First were drawn certificates in the amount of 100 thousand, 200 thousand, 300 thousand tenge. To do this, all the checks were loaded into a transparent drum, where the checks with attached personal data of Kazakhs were pulled out an assistant of the anchorman. And the main prize - a car “Shevrolet” won Alibek Musin from East Kazakhstan region. The taxpayer learnt about his victory immediately as he was watching as all the contestants of the East Kazakhstan region and in other regions the ceremony via live broadcast on TV. He was over the moon with his victory.

Congratulating the winners, the chairman of the State Revenue Committee Daulet Ergozhin noted that this campaign will be continued in the New Year. Organizers are considering using mobile software to maximize coverage of taxpayers. As a result of the held campaign 9008 individual entrepreneurs and 8255 cash machines were registered.

Zhanar Serdalina

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