
A window was opened for investors

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The Kazakh and foreign companies have reduced the bureaucratic burden

Since January 2016 the investors will not have to go to various authorities to open their investment projects. This was made possible due to the opening of a service sector at Centers for Servicing Population, providing services to large and small businesses on the principle of "one window" for whose, who are willing to invest in projects in Kazakhstan.

One of these sectors was presented to journalists today at the business center "Saint-Petersburg". The original presentation was attended by the Minister for Investment and Development, Investment Ombudsman Asset Issekeshev, who noted that the creation of a "one stop shop" for investors was first piloted by the Ministry, which offered the automated services and access to the legal framework of Kazakhstan for investors, who selected priority economic projects. Now there are 19 sectors, of which - two were opened in Astana, three - in Almaty and one in each regional center.

"Any investor, who comes to CSP, can get 350 services without dealing with government agencies, including permits for attraction of foreign labour, all permits, land issues and so on without visiting dozens of rooms", - said Aset Issekeshev.

Staff sector had a preliminary training and can serve customers not only in Russian but also in English. You can also get brochures, to consult on the rules for granting preferences, to learn how to enter into an investment contract, etc. The sectors are open from Monday to Saturday from 09.00 to 20.00 without a break. If the visitors will have all necessary documents, they can submit an application immediately, without departing with an access to the online version of the "single window". "Investors will be able to receive ordinary services from 1 to 30 days. Provision of complex services can exceed a month, but I think in the end no more than two months", - assured the Minister for Investment and Development.

Assessing the investment activity in Kazakhstan, Asset Issekeshev noted that now "we have more than 150 foreign investors". According to the Investment Ombudsman, "5-10 potential investors" address to the Ministry daily. Asset Issekeshev emphasized that "despite the crisis, investors remain in Kazakhstan and continue their projects". "In 2014, we observed a decrease in investments, but they decreased in the oil and gas and mining sectors. In the manufacturing sector, despite the crisis, investments have remained at the level thanks to the industrial program", - concluded the Minister.

Zhanar Serdalina

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