
Timur Kulibayev, "Companies with a good reputation, which have a shortage of finance, should be helped during privatization"

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A mechanism of partial purchases must be developed during the implementation of a comprehensive privatization program for 2016

Such an instruction was given by the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev in the course of a working meeting with the management and members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty.

According to him, the fall in oil prices, the global financial crisis, the shortage of tenge liquidity and Western sanctions against Russia affected the development of Kazakhstan's economy.

"In such circumstances, when the business has major problems with the availability of financial resources, privatization seems extremely difficult. If there is a company with a positive experience, a strong team, which is financially disciplined, but which currently experiences a shortage of finances, why not to allow it to privatize the property? Let's say, they can pay 25% of the shares. But the Chamber should support and accompany the project to its full implementation. "Atameken" has already voiced this idea to the ​​Head of State and the Government. The Chamber of entrepreneurs must study in detail the mechanism via interaction with structural subdivisions of Akimat", - said Timur Kulibayev.

In addition, the head of NCE RK "Atameken" noted the role of the organization in participation in projects of public-private partnerships. "The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs needs to strengthen its cooperation with authorities in the framework of PPP, to provide support in search of projects, their escort. In the new economic conditions, the partnership of this kind can only give additional opportunities for development".

Kulibayev also said that at present there is an acute question of survival of the domestic business, and in such a situation the Chamber of entrepreneurs needs to offer all kinds of solutions to any problems encountered in the business environment.

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