
Timur Kulibayev: Flexible scheme of privatization and energy efficiency as an anti-crisis business support

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Timur Kulibayev announced a number of proposals at the working meeting of the Committee of Energy and New Technologies

Kazakhstani business needs support, thus, the comprehensive privatization, including the energy sector, has to be adapted to the present conditions - a difficult economic situation, stated with assurance the President of the Presidium NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

"During the implementation of the privatization program the main focus is not replenishment of the state budget, but creation of real domestic business. Priorities in the privatization of enterprises in the first, second and third places are given to local entrepreneurs. Business doesn’t have enough money, so we are talking about the development of a flexible scheme, when, for example, the company has the ability to pay, let’s say, 25% of the original value, and it can repay the rest in installments. The most important condition for the transfer of the ownership of an enterprise should be such components as experience in a specific field of activity, reputation, professional competence of the team. These companies will get support of "Atameken" until the full implementation of the project. In any case, large objects are in control of the Government, there is a special commission, which controls all the privatized enterprises", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Continuing the theme of anti-crisis support, the head of "Atameken" focused on cost savings and capacity of enterprises through energy efficiency.

"It is clear that in the presence of cheap sources of energy, we lack the motivation for energy efficiency. However, keep in mind that this is one of the main points where you can save more than 30% of capacity. Kazan is a great example, where the system of energy saving was implemented, allowing in the first three years to reduce three fold the cost of electricity. Why don’t we follow their example? It is necessary to create a targeted program of energy conservation, to implement resource and energy efficient technologies, equipment, smart grids, etc. Let's review the Law "On energy saving and energy efficiency", and do everything to make it work in practice", - said Timur Kulibayev.

In addition, he proposed to consider the development of alternative energy sources such as wind power, as well as supported the idea of ​​creating two innovative hubs in the north and south of the country, which will become "a meeting point" of capital and technology, an academic research complex. Working hubs will focus on the implementation of existing technologies in the production processes of the Kazakhstani enterprises.


Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by December 30, 2015 #1141

On some issues of privatization in 2016 - 2020 years

Target indicators for the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan of privatization for the years 2016-2020

1. Reduction by 2021 of the subjects of quasi-public sector, organizations of the republican property by 15%.

2. Transfer to the competitive environment of organizations of communal property in the scale of 5%.


A list

Of major subsidiaries, affiliates of National Holdings and other legal entities that are affiliated with them, which were suggested for transfer to the competitive environment as a priority

# pp

# pp

Name of the organization

method of sale *





 A list of organizations of quasi-public sector

JSC "National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna "



Joint-stock company "Samruk-Energo", which includes:




Limited Liability Company "Ekibastuz regional hydro-electric power plant -1” named after Bulat Nurzhanov



Joint Stock Company "Ekibastuz regional hydro-electric power plant -2"



Forum Muider BV (limited liability company "Bogatyr Komir")

Joint-stock company "Samruk-Energo"



JSC "Almaty Power Station"




JSC "Alatau Zharyk Kompaniyasy"




JSC "Mangistau Electricity Distribution Company"




JSC "East Kazakhstan Regional Energy Company", which includes:

Limited Liability Partnership "Shygysenergotrade"




Limited Liability Company "Almatyenergosbyt"




JSC "Aktobe HPP"




Limited Liability Company "Teguise Munai", which includes:

Limited Liability Partnership "Mangyshlak Munai"



A list

Of subsidiaries, affiliated companies of JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna", which were suggested for transfer in a competitive environment

# p.p.

Name of organization





Limited Liability Partnership "Shelek-28"


Wexler Ltd.


Mettlera Corporation Ltd.


Mersal Coal Holdings Ltd.


Manetas Coal Holdings Ltd.


Grasedol Coal Holdings Ltd.


Crouch Estate Ltd.


Alloyal Ltd.


Bleson Coal Holdings Ltd.


Limited Liability Company "Karagandagiproshaht and K"


* The list includes companies, the sale of shares of which will be executed by IPO method. IPO – it is a public offer of securities on the market to the general public of earlier unplaced shares of the issuer or the issuer's shares owned by the joint stock company "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna". Methods of sale of other organizations (companies) will be determined in a due course.

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