
The main thing is health ...

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A draft of the Action Plan for implementation of the health development program "Densaulyk" for the years 2016-2019 was presented at NCE

What are the mechanisms for the implementation of public-private partnership in the health sector? Can entrepreneurs participate in the development of a unified health infrastructure system? Will the exchange rate of tenge to the dollar affect the formation of prices? Will the pricing mechanism for pharmaceutical products be optimized and will the access of private-sector to laboratory testing and the provision of medical services within the SGBP and compulsory medical insurance be expanded?

These and other issues were discussed at the meeting of NCE RK "Atameken" held with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development Elzhan Birtanov, representatives of the business community, trade associations, regional chambers of entrepreneurs.

Presenting the draft Action Plan for the implementation of health development program "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019, the Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development Elzhan Birtanov noted that the document is designed to strengthen health of population for sustainable socio-economic development of the country. The project involves the development of public health, the establishment of public health services (PHSs) and the development of inter-sectoral cooperation, the establishment of public health priorities and the definition of a national infrastructure for the creation of PHSs.

Expected results of the state program for the state: universal / universal coverage of health care; joint responsibility of citizens and their interest in strengthening of health; sustainable health care system that allows you to balance the volume of consumption of services and costs; attraction of private investment and healthcare management experience; efficiency of use of resources.

For employers: improvement of the quality of labor resources; shared responsibility for development of public health; investment in the health sector.

For the medical industry: stable funding with policies aimed at the final result; improving the system of payment of labor: the opportunity to receive a competitive salary; introduction of new medical technologies and the timely updating of fixed assets; development of information technologies.

Vice Minister and Social Development Elzhan Birtanov also answered the questions of businessmen who were interested in the implementation of PPPs in health care, private sector participation in the development of a unified health infrastructure, optimization of pricing mechanisms for pharmaceutical products and the expansion of the private sector's access to laboratory testing and the provision of health services under the SGBP and compulsory medical insurance, development of voluntary health insurance, and the introduction of mechanisms for co-payment of medical services within the framework of voluntary medical insurance at the expense of compulsory medical insurance.

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