
New management Almaty is open for business

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Almaty hosts the II-nd Annual Conference of Entrepreneurs

The Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev noted the importance of cooperation between state bodies and business in tough economic times.

"Now it is important to exchange opinions, recommendations, listen to business suggestions for improving the business environment, - said Timur Kulibayev. - That is why the first conference of entrepreneurs is held in Almaty. This is a special city, the driver of the economic growth of the whole country. Regions try to get on the same level as Almaty. And, it is worth noting the new authorities of Almaty within six months of their work has made significant steps towards entrepreneurship".

Akim of Almaty Baurzhan Baibek said that the metropolis gives 21% of GDP, 31% of taxes to the state budget. According to him, Almaty is the city of business and private capital. Six people out of ten work in small business in Almaty. And it is important to support private capital, to create a barrier-free environment for doing business.

"We have developed a program of development of the city “Almaty-2020”. Out of 7 priority areas, three affect business interests. In the framework of the Programme, Almaty should become a city of new innovations in management. Particular attention is paid to transparency of public procurement, preservation of jobs, privatization, property and the legalization of capital, SME development, creation of conditions for PPP", - said Baurzhan Baibek.

Almaty mayor also stressed that representatives of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs should be included in all consultative and advisory committees on the implementation of government programs: RMB-2020, Performance 2020, Road Map of Employment. And the city administration will focus on elimination of administrative barriers.

"Unfortunately, the bureaucracy is strong in all countries, this practice is observed not only in our country, - said Baurzhan Baibek. - Systemic problems occur most often in architecture (obtaining of a land plot, construction, obtaining of technical conditions). Such facts occur, and we dismiss people for such bureaucratic delays. Currently, we put additional efforts in order to comply with international criteria of the World Bank rating Doing Business. With the support of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" we receive feedback from the business, large-scale work on Kazakhstan’s accession to top 30 highly developed countries of the world, requires the combined efforts of the authorities and NCE RK".

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