
What hinders private clinics to operate at full strength?

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Issues of quality of medical services in the private health sector were discussed at NCE RK "Atameken"

For the first time the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" allocated budget money for the study of entrepreneurship.

The National Chamber of Healthcare of Kazakhstan conducted the analysis of the level of medical services in the field of non-governmental health sector.

It was noted that over the past 20 years, the private health sector emerged in the country, and there was no research on private health care in general since then.

The aim of the study was to identify the potential for business development in the field of health care in the private health sector and improvement of the system of its support.

The relevance of the project didn’t pose any questions. The development and improvement of medical services, including in the private healthcare organizations is a key factor in enhancing the country's competitiveness. Currently, it is difficult for private health organizations to compete with state institutions due to a number of unresolved issues and problems.

So, there is unequal access to the distribution of SGBP for private medical institutions compared with public health facilities, limited access to state financial aid. Another economic barrier is the high cost of domestic loan fund capital, the need for large investments in the "start ups", the absence of the institution of domestic investors, the work of private medical organizations within the provision of SGBP is a low-margin due to relatively low tariffs. There is no clear legal regulation for calculating tariffs for medical care to pay for SGBP. There are administrative barriers, for example, there is no access to the training of medical staff of private clinics within the budget programs, etc.

Information: In 2015 in Kazakhstan operated 729 public and 148 private medical organizations, 2174 public and 921 private Ambulance/Polyclinic Centers. 68,864 physicians were employed by the health care industry in 2015 (11,355 in private MO) and 160 061 nurses (14911 - in private medical organizations). Number of visits to private medical organization in 2014 amounted to 16,840,114, or 18% of the total number of visits to medical organizations.

Together with representatives of the private health care sector in the regions, the business community discussed the barriers, which need to be eliminated for removal of constraints of enterprise development in the private healthcare sector. There were also reviewed targeted recommendations of the Government, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, NCE RK, association, the mebers highlighted the role of civil society organizations. Among the proposals were: a suggestion to introduce a single minimum tariff for paid medical services, to conduct an audit of public buildings of MO, which are at the balance of state health institutions and are inefficiently used or parts of buildings, which need to be transferred to trust management and / or rent to private MO, etc.

The chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Healthcare of the RK K. Omarov stated that a great work has been done and the research must bring results.

The meeting resulted in the decision: taking into account the suggestions and recommendations presented by the participants, to present this project at the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The presentation of the project "Analysis of the level of medical services in the field of non-state (private) healthcare sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - results and prospects " can be found here.

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