
Participants of EXPO- 2017 gathered in Astana

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Over 250 foreign representatives arrived to the capital of Kazakhstan to discuss the preparations for the EXPO

At the Meeting, which opened today at the Palace of independence, arrived the high-ranking officials, and representatives of interested companies and academia. The first thing that catches your eye in the spacious hall of the Palace, is the national flags of countries participating in the exhibition. As it reported in the speech of the first Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Commissioner of EXPO-2017 Rapil Zhoshybayev, 75 countries and 14 international organizations - ESCAP, OESER, UNESCO, IAEA, UNDP, OPEC and others have already confirmed their participation in Expo.

In addition, representatives of countries that have not officially confirmed their participation in EXPO-2017 arrived to Astana. For example, the United States. As it was noted by Rapil Zhoshybayev, the practice of U.S. participation in the EXPO shows that this country gives its official confirmation one year prior to the opening of any exhibition.

The participants of today's meeting welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Dariga Nazarbayeva. She highlighted the importance of the forthcoming event, noting that "within the frames of this meeting will be signed additional contracts". The Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC "Astana EXPO-2017" Akhmetzhan Yessimov noted that the pavilions of international exhibitors will be completed by November 2016, with subsequent transfer of the participating countries. EXPO village will be ready about the same time.

In addition, foreign guests were informed about benefits and preferences for attendees of the EXPO and members of their families, which will expire after the closure of the exhibition. In the framework of the law that was already passed by the Senate of Parliament of Kazakhstan, offices of the sections and staff will be exempt from all types of tax payments and duties of, as well as exemption from customs duties the offices of Commissioners of sections, issuing free multiple-entry visas to all the staff of Commissioners sections of the participating countries, including members of their families.

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be recognized driving permits, issued to official members, issued in member countries of the UN Convention "On road traffic" dated by 8th of November 1968. To facilitate the interaction of official participants with the state bodies of Kazakhstan, there will be created a uniform centre with a hot line, operating on the principle of "one window”.
Preferences come into effect on 1st of March 1 2016, after its ratification by the Parliament of Kazakhstan and are valid until 3rd of December 2017, with the exception of customs privileges, which are valid from 1st of March 2016 to 9th of  March 2018.

After the official speeches, the Kazakh side continued the meeting in the format of questions and answers. Most of the foreign visitors were interested in the rules of accreditation for participants of the exhibition EXPO-2017, the terms and conditions of sending of cargoes, the organization of the service. The largest proportion of questions were about the timing of delivery of the pavilions, as well as features of technical regulations, allowing them to exploit foreign participants.

Zhanar Serdalina



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