
China town at the Metropolitan Auto Show

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Representatives of China surprised even the organizers

The exhibition “Kazakhstan International Automotive Expo” was officially opened at exhibition centre "Korme" today with the support of the brand "Automechanika" Today, in the exhibition center in Astana. Moreover, the capital of Kazakhstan, for the first time hosts in this format takes the manufacturer of spare parts, automotive components and equipment for vehicle maintenance. Lights, filters, motor oil, tyres - these and many other auto products are well represented. At the same time, we would like to note particularly active companies from China, which occupied almost the entire separate pavilion of "Korme", thus, forcing market players to talk about them. Thus, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Group of companies “Allure” (Allur Group), President of the Association of the Kazakhstan car business Andrei Lavrentyev said that the exhibition has collected "more than 100 participants from China".

"But do not be afraid. Their potential is big enough. There are a large number of export support programs in China", - said Andrei Lavrentyev.

In addition, the organizers have prepared a busy business program for the participants of the exhibition. The key event was the international auto forum, during which reputable experts gave their assessment of the prospects for the development of car markets of Kazakhstan and their countries.

Zhanar Serdalina

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