
NCE and the Chamber of Tax Advisers agreed on cooperation

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Organizations signed an agreement under which the parties will unite in improving the tax legislation

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Chamber of Tax Advisers of Kazakhstan signed an agreement on cooperation. The aim of the document is the cooperation of the parties in the field of improvement of tax legislation, representation and protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs.

The development of such cooperation is beneficial for both parties, since in the framework of this Agreement, the Chamber of Tax Consultants will provide proposals and recommendations on tax issues to NCE, including comparative analysis of international experience on a gratuitous basis to address problems in the area of ​​taxation, the development of proposals on improving tax legislation.

In turn, the Chamber of Tax Consultants, if necessary, may apply to NCE RK for assistance in the implementation of the function of representation and protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in the civil and administrative law disputes.

Within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation "Atameken" intends, if necessary, to assist the Chamber of Tax Consultants and its members in the implementation of the functions of advisory service on tax issues.

We hope that the results of such cooperation will open new opportunities for further improvement of tax legislation, representation and protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs on taxation issues.

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