
Accredited at NCE RK

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From 1st of November 2015 to 29th of  January 2016, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" held accreditation of associations (unions)

Based on its results, 116 associations (unions) were accredited at NCE. When you consider that earlier in 2015, there were only 10 accredited associations (unions), and now the total number of accredited associations (unions) at NCE is 126.

Currently, preparation and issue of accreditation certificates to 116 association (union) is underway.

The list of accredited associations (unions) by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken"

1. ULE "Association of Security Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

2. The Republican Association of public associations of hunters and subjects of the hunting industry "Kansonar";

3. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Kazakhstan’s Chamber of environmental auditors";

4. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Union of Auto Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

5. ULE "Kazakh Cotton Association";

6. ULE “Association of Kazakhstani Auto Business";

7. ULE "Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan";

8. ULE in the form of the association "Association of National Freight Forwarders of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

9. The association "Kazakhstani Association of Carriers and Operators of Wagons (Containers)";

10. ULE "Association of enterprises and organizations, engaged in the field of circulation of civil and service weapons on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Koramsak);

11. ULE "Union of transport and logistics organizations and associations« KAZLOGISTICS” (Union of Transport of Kazakhstan);

12. ULE "Association of Microfinance Organizations of Kazakhstan" (AMFOK);

13. ULE "Kazakhstani Electricity Association";

14. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Oil-Gas and Energy Sector “KazEnergy”.

15. ULE “Association of industrial geological organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

16. ULE "Union of builders of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia",

17. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Energy Auditors";

18. ULE "Union of commodity exchanges of the Republic of Kazakhstan “OTAN";

19. ULE "Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan";

20. ULE "Republican Association of public associations of fishers and subjects of fishery" Kazakhrybhoz ";

21. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "National Chamber of Healthcare";

22. Eurasian Industrial Association;

23. ULE "Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises";

24. ALE in the form of the Union "Union of International Road Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (KazATO);

25. ULE “Association of builders of Kazakhstan";

26. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of participants of technical regulation and metrology";

27. ULE in the form of the association "Association of trading companies of Kazakhstan";

28. ULE in the form of association "Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

29. ULE in the form of Association "Republican industry association of secondary metallurgy";

30. ULE "Coalition for "green" economy and development of G-GLOBAL”;

31. ULE in the form of association "Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies";

32. ULE "Kazakhstani Tourist Association";

33. ULE "Association of manufacturers of pharmaceutical and medical products in Kazakhstan "FarmMedIndustriya of Kazakhstan ";

34. ULE "Association of suppliers of medical equipment ";

35. ALE "Union of Brewers of Kazakhstan";

36. ULE in the form of the association "Association of passenger railway carriers and agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan -" Parasat ";

37. Kazakhstani Association of Hotels and Restaurants in the form of the association of legal entities;

38. ALE "Union of food enterprises of Kazakhstan";

39. ALE "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs "National Industrial Chamber of Kazakhstan ";

40. ULE "Association of water users, water consumers and water transport “KAZWATER”.

41. ULE "Association of Auto road workers of Kazakhstan";

42. Non-profit association of legal entities "Association of ship owners and marine industry entrepreneurs";

43. ALE in the form of the Association "Metroplitan Tourism Association (Astana, Kazakhstan)";

44. ULE "Association of Colleges of Kazakhstan";

45. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Union of Producers and Exporters of Kazakhstan".

46. ​​ULE "Milk Union of Kazakhstan";

47. ULE “Association of veterinarians of Kazakhstan";

48. ALE "National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

49. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Union of craftsmen of Kazakhstan";

50. ULE "Kazakhstani Union of Chemical Industry";

51. ULE "Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

52. ULE “Grain Union of Kazakhstan”;

53. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities in the form of the association "Association of Farmers of Kazakhstan";

54. ALE "Union of Consumer Cooperatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazpotrebsoyuz)".

55. ULE “Association of credit associations of agro-industrial complex";

56. Organization of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Association of Entrepreneurs of maritime transport";

57. ULE "Eurasian Union of participants of foreign economic activity."

58. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Entrepreneurs of urban electric transport".

59. ALE "Association "KazInspektServis ";

60. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of trading companies and manufacturers of consumer electronic, computer equipment and complex technical systems" KATEKS";

61. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of customs brokers (representatives)";

62. ULE "Stock Exchange Association of Kazakhstan";

63. ULE "Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan";

64. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Software Companies";

65. Association "Union of Women - Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan";

66. ALE "Association "Forum of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan ";

67. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Entrepreneurs "KAZKA".

68. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Bookmakers';

69. Organization of individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Kazakhstani Association of preschool institutions."

70. "Non-governmental organization Association of Taxpayers and accountants";

71. ALE "Union of manufacturers of light industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

72. ALE "Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan";

73. ULE "Packaging Association of Kazakhstan";

74. ALE "Union of the enterprises of the automotive industry of Kazakhstan" KazAvtoProm ";

75. ULE "Internet Association of Kazakhstan";

76. ALE in the form of the association "Association of innovative companies of SEZ "Park of innovative technologies ";

77. ALE "National Telecommunication Association of Kazakhstan";

78. ULE "Kazakhstan Association of Waste “KazWaste” Management;

79. ALE in the form of the Association "National Association of Broadcasters of Kazakhstan";

80. Organization of individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Union of potato growers and vegetable growers of Kazakhstan";

81. Organization of individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities  " Association of Gardeners ";

82. ALE "Union of breeders of Kazakhstan";

83. ALE "Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan";

84. ALE "National Union of Beekeepers of Kazakhstan "Bal Ara";

85. ULE “Association of Meat and Dairy Union of Kazakhstan";

86. Association of the Enterprises of fat and oil industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan ";

87. ULE “Association of Confectioners of Kazakhstan";

88. ALE "Union of Grain Processors of Kazakhstan";

89. ULE "Association of bona fide manufacturers and sellers of alcoholic beverages Kazakhstan "KazAlko";

90. ULE "Association of manufacturers of soft drinks and juices of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

91. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of private medical institutions";

92. ULE "Association for support and development of pharmaceutical activity";

93. ULE "Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in the Republic of Kazakhstan";

94. ALE in the form of the Association "Eurasian Medical Association";

95. ULE "Association of distributors of pharmaceutical products of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

96. Organization of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities "Association of the subjects of healthcare “Zdrav Atameken”;

97. ALE "National Association of Tourism Industry";

98. ULE "Association of Tour Operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

99. ALE "Association" Industrial Construction Technologies of Kazakhstan";

100. RALE "Union of Builders of Kazakhstan";

101. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of the industry of building materials";

102. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of NDC and technical diagnostics";

103. ALE "Union of Engineering Companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

104. ALE in the form of the association "Association of organizations of social and occupational rehabilitation of the visually impaired " Nur ";

105. Association "Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

106. ALE and IE "Kazakhstani Association of Entrepreneurs and services";

107. ALE "Association of organizations of social and occupational rehabilitation of people with hearing disabilities "Orleu ";

108. ALE "Republican Association of private institutions of education";

109. ALE "Association of scientific and technological organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

110. Organization of individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Association of manufacturers and suppliers of educational equipment of Kazakhstan";

111. “Association of publishers, printers and booksellers "APPB".

112. ALE "Union of service companies of Kazakhstan"

113. “Association of engineers of explosives of Kazakhstan "

114. ALE "Association of Renewable Energy of Kazakhstan";

115. “Association of participants of transportation process ";

116. Association “The Republican Union of Industrialists of secondary metallurgy ";

117. ALE "National Association of educational institutions  “SERPIN”;

118. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of small aircraft";

119. ALE "National Association of the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

120. ULE "Kazakhstani Business Association for Sustainable Development";

121. ULE "Kazakhstani Association of Automation and Robotics";

122. ALE in the form of the association "Association of Kazakhstani cable factories";

123. ALE “Association of forestry and processing of forest materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Zhasly Orman";

124. Organization of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities "Meat Union of Kazakhstan";

125. “Association of Insurance Companies of Kazakhstan ";

126. ALE "Association of Travel Agencies of Kazakhstan "ATAK".

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