
Business is suggested to "undertake" the state functions

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Transfer of functions in the competitive environment and to self-regulatory organizations will depend on the readiness of the market

NCE "Atameken" has begun to work on a preliminary collection of information on the state of the competitive environment in terms of readiness to adopt the state functions.

In connection with it, it is necessary:

1. The business entities and their associations need to review the attached list of state functions;

2. Select one or a group of functions that a business entity or an association (association, LLP, JSC, IE) proposes to undertake;

3. To select a method for transmitting state functions, depending on the funding:

  • Outsourcing  (covered by the state budget)
  • Social state order  ((covered by the state budget)
  • State assignment (covered by the state budget)
  • At the expense of service recipients (for example, technical inspection or transfer of functions to voluntary SRO, i.e. without compulsory membership)
  • Self-regulation (compulsory membership, in accordance with the law "On self-regulation");

.This function should be reflected in the attached table ("List of state of functions  of business") with the required filling of column: name of functions, the method and the recipient party.

In the case of selection of a process (outsourcing, social state order, state assignment, service receiver), it is necessary to complete the attached form on analytical analysis of the market readiness (AGR).

If you select the mandatory self-regulation, it is necessary to fill in the form of regulatory impact analysis (RIA). Today it is important for evaluators and auditors, because in these areas there is already a mandatory membership in the non-profit organizations (NPOs).

For areas where the mandatory membership in NGOs is not stipulated by the legislation, it is suggested to consider a phased transition from voluntary to mandatory self-regulation. To do this, you need to consider a partial transfer of state functions to voluntary SROs through outsourcing, state social orders, state assignments, funds of service receivers, and thus it is necessary to complete the attached analytical form of the analysis of market readiness (AMR) for a specific function (if you want to take a few features, it is necessary to fill in AMR form for each function separately).

When completing AMR, it is necessary to describe the selected alternative, depending on the mode of transmission, and to fill in Alternative 2 - current position (that is, what will happen if to save the function with the state).

Note the filling of the step 5 "Determination of the effects of alternatives", it is necessary to reflect all possible perspectives and business benefits – by the receiving side, for the government and the consumer.

In case of selection of a transmission method through the state budget, pay attention to STEP 6 "Calculation of the costs for the alternatives", it is necessary to determine the approximate cost of transmitting a specific function in this section. This amount will be evaluated in comparison to the economic efficiency of the transfer of the function in the future (1-5 years).

A template of how to fill in AMR is attached here.

The collected information (list of state functions of business and AMR for each function) should be sent to the relevant sectoral units of the National Chamber, which, in turn, will accumulate the information under the industry (list of state functions of business) and sent to the Department for coordination of expertise of draft RLAs.

The collected information must be sent by April 8, 2016 to the email address: with the attached list of state functions and AMR for each function.

The functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Service, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Culture and Sports are attached here.

The functions of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of agriculture are attached here.

The functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Investment and development are attached here.

The functions of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education and Science are attached here.

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