
To save business during a crisis

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71% of small and medium-sized businesses observe decrease in demand for their products and services

The results of the survey of small and medium entrepreneurs during the crisis period, in which participated more than 1200 respondents, were announced at a meeting of the Committee of the SME of the NCE RK "Atameken".

At the same time 23% of respondents reported a decline in demand of up to 20%, a drop in demand of up to 50% was observed 28% of respondents, and 20% of respondents reported a decline in demand of more than 50%.

The largest drop in demand occurred in companies that work with the population - 43%, followed by SMEs, the consumer of which is business - 30%.

"The main reasons for the decrease in demand, entrepreneurs called the low solvency of the population (39%), low solvency of the business (33%). According to the survey, 42% of entrepreneurs did nothing to keep the level of demand for their products. 26% said that demand has decreased because of higher prices for their products and services, 8% reported on decrease of own sales outlets and reduction of cost for promotion of products", - stated NCE.

When asked the question what effective ways they see to save their own business during the crisis, the majority of entrepreneurs noted the need to expand into new markets (46%). Improving the efficiency of the organization as a way to save the business - named 26%, and only 8% of respondents named the "reduction of staff. Recommendations of entrepreneurs on preservation of business in times of a crisis can be divided into two groups, which are aimed at improving the external factors of business, mobilization of internal reserves of business. And only every eleventh respondent has focused on mobilization of internal resources of the organization to solve the existing problems (9%).

At a meeting of the SME Development Committee of NCE RK was held a videoconference with participation of members of the Committee from the cities of Astana and Karaganda, was re-elected the Chairman of the Committee. It is again Raiymbek Batalov, the Chairman of the Forum of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov, who spoke about the new business opportunities in the resolution of problematic issues. The participants were introduced to the activities of the Center for arbitration of NCE RK "Atameken". The new institute allows to speed up procedures and to reduce the costs for entrepreneurs in resolving the various claims and disputes in business.

As it was noted, the new composition of the Committee in forming a plan of work for 2016 plans to address and to resolve issues of such a large and diverse category of business as small and medium businesses. The question of the development of new forms of research is quite relevant, support and development of SME in Kazakhstan.

The innovation was the acquaintance of the members of the Committee with each other, which was held in the form of presentation of associations, which caused great interest among the participants of the event.

It was decided to complete formation of the Committee's work plan for 2016 for the support of SMEs within a week. 

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