
Timur Kulibayev: "It is necessary to consider mechanisms for the transfer of ownership in return for payment in installments"

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The use of PPP principles and transfer of ownership to private business in installments can help out entrepreneurs in a difficult period

Such a proposal NCE RK "Atameken" brings to the consideration of the Government. As it was noted by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev at the meeting with the business of the Karaganda region, the privatization campaign is not as active as in previous years.

"Now we discuss the results of privatization with state authorities. We see that the campaign is not so active. The proposed assets are of interest to the business. Everything that can be transferred in a private environment must be transferred. Given the difficult financial situation, the fact that banks are not eager to finance projects, many entrepreneurs do not have the opportunity to acquire objects. We believe that it is necessary to consider mechanisms of transfer of property in ownership in return for payment in installments. Thus, to expand the list of objects in the framework of public-private partnership ", - said the head of "Atameken".

Comprehensive support of business interests is one of the priorities of the National Chamber for 2016. The Head of NCE announced the main emphasis, stressing that all the work will be based on how to achieve the best conditions for entrepreneurs in all sectors of the economy.

Director of LLP "Santechprom" Vladimir Kryuchkov drew attention of NCE RK to the lack of demand for the products at the domestic market.

"We export goods not only to Russia, but also to a number of CIS countries and even the EU. They have a good demand. But we can’t adjust  internal sales. There are various state programs, but they do not always work, it is difficult to penetrate into the system to ensure local content. More than 80% of production is exported, and it is necessary to ensure that the Kazakh products are purchased within the framework of public procurement by domestic enterprise", - said the head of the largest exporting company.

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE assured that the work on support of domestic producers will be strengthened.

"We are currently working on a list of domestic manufacturers, and we intend to present them to state bodies, national companies. For us the main thing is participation of real manufacturers in public procurement, not one day companies. As you know, we were able to organize the work with a number of national companies, in particular, with the "Samruk-Kazyna" in terms of attraction of representatives of NCE to the committee in the capacity of observers. Thus, our goal is to empower our producers", - said Timur Kulibayev.

In addition, the head of NCE said that agricultural producers need special support. Visiting the plant of LLP "Natizhe", Timur Kulibayev noted "the excellent organization of the enterprise".

"The company has established sales - it sell goods in several regions. And, the most important thing, the system of collection of raw materials works finely. And this experience is valuable to others. Therefore, we initiated 11 pilot cooperatives, which will be set up across the country. We expect a positive effect. I think it will help our producers, particularly small-scale, to improve their efficiency", - said the head of NCE.

Karaganda region – is the leader of the country's industrial production: it accounts for 44% of production. At the same time, the region's economy is poorly diversified, as the bulk accounts for the backbone enterprises - JSC "Arcelor Mittal" and "Kazakhmys Corporation". Nevertheless, at the end of 2015, there was observed an increase in small and medium-sized businesses: the structure of the gross regional product, its share reached 12.5%, an increase of six percentage points. SMEs make more than 45% of budget revenues.

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