
Timur Kulibayev: "It is necessary to increase the number of grants for the preparation of high-level IT professionals"

- City of Almaty
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Prospects of development of the sector of information and communication technologies were discussed at the meeting of the ICT Committee of NCE RK "Atameken"

According to the Chairman of the Committee of Information and Communication Technologies and the 'green economy' of the Presidium NCE RK "Atameken" Shavkat Sabirov, development of the industry requires a new and improved state regulation and support measures.

"Total costs of information and communication technologies (including public administration organizations) amounted to 375.6 billion tenge in 2015. In this connection it is necessary to "force" to close work the authorized body in the sphere of informatization and information (Committee of communication, information and Informatization of MID PK), and to attract international participants of ICT industry with the condition of legalization of their business in Kazakhstan", - has offered Shavkat Sabirov.

The expert also recommended that NCE RK "Atameken" uses new technologies in the industry, attracts investment in the industry, arranges training and education for the specialists of the industry, the establishment of R & D and other areas, the involvement of industry associations and unions to the problems of the industry. Business community recommended the development of industry in the regions and creation of logistic mechanisms in the country.

In the opinion of the Rector of the International University of Information Technologies (IUIT) Damir Shynybekov, to improve the situation in the industry we need to focus on training of relevant personnel.

"If we talk about the preparation of IT specialists, the unemployment rate is practically zero in the sphere. The demand is very high both inland and abroad. Two leading universities (IITU and KazNTU. Satpayev) in Almaty have about 2 thousand graduates , while the program "Digital Kazakhstan" requires at least 60 thousand professionals. To do this, we need, first, to increase the amount of grants within the line of MES. According to our data, about 25 thousand high school graduates can’t pass the threshold of UNT each year and are eliminated from the educational sphere. These grants can  be given to them. And, secondly, it is necessary to carry out work on vocational guidance, to strengthen the role of colleges in the field of IT", - said Damir Shynybekov.

CEO of “SoftDeCo” Sergey Alabugin advised to do work on the protection of the internal market against foreign competitors.

"I propose to introduce a ban on the use of foreign-made software, by the experience of our Russian colleagues. This practice should be introduced at least at the state bodies in the Republic of Kazakhstan", - suggested Sergey Alabugin.

Following the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Kulibayev said that introduction of any restrictions in the market conditions is impossible and wrong.

"Summing up today's speeches of experts in the field of IT-technologies, we can draw the following conclusions. Any restrictions will testify about unfair competition, which is prohibited in the global market. It is much more important today to produce a product in demand, which is competitive in all respects. I do not think that the state authorities will refuse to support domestic development, if they meet all the requirements. The proposal on educational grants is much more constructive, which will contribute to greater involvement of active youth in the sphere of high technologies. Overall, I am pleased to welcome you at this meeting in the mode of intellectual communication, where it is possible to develop effective proposals for discussion in the Government. On our behalf, NCE is ready to provide you a negotiation platform, we have a good examination. And our task - to represent your interests in state bodies ", - concluded Timur Kulibayev.

Information Environment of Kazakhstan is going through a phase of fundamental reform and creation of a competitive, open and liberal market. Currently, the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) employed 1.5% (131.9 thousand people) of the total population employed in the economy (about 9 million people). The number of active small and medium business is: legal entities - 5601; individual entrepreneurs - 11065. The main part of the registered business is concentrated in Almaty - 38.8%, and in Astana - 20.1%. In Kazakhstan, at the moment there are about 400 operating online stores, most of which are concentrated in Almaty (85%). Then there are the cities of Astana and Karaganda (3%), online shops in Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk and Kostanay (2%). The area of ​​waste management employs 0.5% (43.1 thousand people) of the total population employed in the economy.

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