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In Kazakhstan civil servants more often initiate corruption than entrepreneurs

Economic Research Institute conducted an analysis, the particular focus of which is prevalence of corruption in some government agencies, as well as motivations of entrepreneurs to bribe certain officials.

The survey showed that employers are looking for connection and friends among civil servants in case of violations, if necessary, to obtain licenses or other permits, as well as checks. In other cases, over 55% of respondents noted no need in connections.

Corruption, according to entrepreneurs, encourages, above all, a large number of requirements in relation to SMEs. In addition, among other factors that force entrepreneurs to go to corruption is long-term consideration of applications, as well as mandatory requirements or unenforceable complex administrative procedures.

It is noteworthy that in the world practice half of the cases are initiated by entrepreneurs themselves. The survey showed that the Kazakhstan practice differs from the international. In Kazakhstan entrepreneurs initiate corruption to a lesser extent than the civil servants themselves. Much of the initiative depends on the situation (61%), i.e. in such situations one of the parties initiates the illegal consideration of the issue. The entrepreneur often takes the initiative when he wants to get a competitive advantage, finds the requirements impracticable, as well as when you need to escape responsibility for the infringement.

Among the structures by the index of corruption lead customs services (20%), SES (16%) and management of architecture and town planning (14%). These structures close the top three most corrupt organizations. This may be due to the fact that SMEs in the country, are mainly engaged trade, i.e. corruption schemes can arise when importing and exporting goods. In addition, a significant predominance of the service sector explains the high level of corruption at SES.

Estimation of the prevalence of corruption at the macro level shows that 4 out of 10 of the respondents were themselves, or heard of situations where problematic issue can be solved only with the help of a bribe or a gift for a certain amount.

In addition to the prevalence of corruption, as part of ongoing research, they attempted to determine the volume of corruption. According to the results of the study the average load (rate) per medium-sized enterprise is 50-250 thousand tenge per year.

Corrupt payments, competitive fight at the market with the help of corrupt schemes, can directly or indirectly affect the increase in cost of goods and services to entrepreneurs. According to a survey of entrepreneurs, every second person, who noted that he had participated in corruption schemes, believes that corruption affects the value of the goods. Given that the evaluation of the second half of the respondents, corruption affects the price increase, it can be concluded that the competitiveness of about 50% of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs is low because of corruption.

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