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Press service of NCE RK "Atameken" is among top three leaders in Moscow

Public Relations Department of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" took III place in the nomination “PR in social media” at the All-Russian competition among press secretaries, press officers and specialists in public relations. Ceremony of awarding of winners was held in Moscow at the Hotel Sheremetyevsky.

The contest "Press Service of the Year - 2015" - is an open international contest of press services, PR-departments and PR-departments of companies and PR-agencies. Organizer of the competition is the magazine "Press service".

The mission of the competition is to contribute to the growth of professionalism of PR-specialists, to provide a platform for the exchange of professional experience, to give an expert assessment of the work of PR-specialists, to develop a common information space in the PR-industry.

Employees of the Public Relations Department of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" took part in the first competition. There were submitted just three applications in the categories: “PR in the social media”, "The best social project in the business" and "Best PR-project in the business."

"This award – represents a great team effort. I head the press service of NCE for one year, and during that time we were able to collect the team of specialists in various directions: PR, newspaper columnists, TV, radio, news agencies and the SMM-specialists. We submitted the applications within the campaigns "Protect Your Business," "Voice of each person is important" and "Grateful descendants". And we are very pleased that the work in the direction social media was appreciated here in Moscow. I would like to say that more than 300 works were presented in this category", - said Director of the Department of Public Relations of NCE RK" Atameken" Yuliya Valiakhmetova.

NCE is actively presented in the social media. Today, in the social networks the business association has more than 13 million active subscribers. For comparison, at the beginning of last year, a total of 4 thousand people signed to the official account. For several months operates the flash mob, which was launched by the initiative of businessmen themselves. Every day, the press service of "Atameken" Natspalaty receives video from the business, in which they talk about the problems in the business, they share their experiences and encourage all merchants to contact NCE RK "Atameken" for skilled and free assistance. In total more than 60 video messages have been published. Only one appeal, for example, from South Kazakhstan region, has been viewed by 17 thousand users. Moreover, a series of animation videos was created under the hashtag # Protectyourbusiness. One video covered 10 thousand users. All publications in the official accounts of NCE are placed in two languages. Press service actively promotes the project "Atameken business til" in social networks. Business words are daily posted in the Kazakh language and discussed with the users.

It is worth noting that this year's jury "Press Service of the Year" included Timur Aslanov – the chairman of the jury, the chief editor of "Press Service", the CEO of the Publishing House "Image-Media", Ilya Balakhnin - CEO and Managing Partner of Paper Planes Consulting Agency, Yuliya Hraznova - executive director of PACO, Lapshov Andrei - President of the communication Group Insiders, head of IABC / Russia Expert Council, Viktor Zimin - the general director of the expert-analytical, information and rating company "YUNIPRAVEKS", Sergei Novikov- Director of communications Department of State Corporation "Rosatom", Denis Terekhov - the managing partner of "Social networks" and many others.

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