
Amendments in the interest of traders

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Trading markets are divided into universal and specialized

The chairman of the Trade Committee of NCE RK "Atameken" Kairat Mazhibayev, reports to the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev on the work done.

As it was reported by the head of the relevant committee, the draft law "On regulation of commercial activities" introduced the concept of "trading market". According to him, it is suggested to split the trading markets into universal and specialized, there were also introduced amendments on wholesale and e-commerce activities of commodity exchanges. By the way, there was approved the proposal of NCE on stationary trade objects. "Stationary trading objects are divided into categories according to the commercial area, which subsequently will allow access to the programs in support of business", - said chairman of the Trade Committee of NCE.

Mazhibayev added that the problems of entrepreneurs were partially solved related to fires at the shopping sites.

"We started active work on the creation and implementation of the distribution system on the example of the promotion of fruit and vegetables. The work on the establishment of the legal framework is underway, which will regulate the activities of the international center of boundary cooperation "Khorgos", as well as improve the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstani part", - continued the head of the profile committee of NCE.

Kairat Mazhibayev also said that in conjunction with the Association of trading companies and the company BBCG was organized and held II Asian business summit and retail distribution of consumer goods.

In addition, the Chairman of the Trade Committee proposed to develop such new trade formats like mobile commerce - the development of a new format of small business "on wheels", street trading – orderly distribution of land plots for the activities of non-stationary trade objects. The project "Kazfud" will be developed as well- the introduction of catering outlets, specializing in the implementation of the national cuisine with organic products.

In the current year, according to Mazhibaeva, it proposed to create a consortium that would consolidate domestic producers and suppliers.

The 5 star scale international system of evaluation of catering facilities will be introduced - increasing the level of service in catering facilities by assigning the rating system.

Kairat Mazhibayev didn’t support the sales tax, since it is hard to administer. In addition, the coefficient of the tax burden increase few times for businesses, which can have a negative impact on the work, in difficult economic conditions.

Chairman of the Committee also proposed to strengthen the work with industry associations and concentrate on solving systemic problems in the industry.

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