
More than a thousand enterprises placed an "order" for 1750 specialists at colleges

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Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev spoke about the work of the Chamber in matters of vocational training

At the site of "Atameken" was held a round table on "Modernity, relevance and quality of vocational education. The results of mutual cooperation and prospects".

"We raised the issue of the adoption of the law "On professional education". There were opponents of the law, who argued that these norms can be prescribed in the law "On education". However, we still come to the conclusion that we need a separate law, which would affect not the education system, but companies that are involved in the educational process. Now there is an instruction of the Deputy Prime Minister Dariga Nazarbayeva to study this bill and to submit it to the Parliament ", - said Altaev, speaking at the event.

According to him, as a result of a survey of more than 7 thousand enterprises, NCE found that there is a serious need in trades in Kazakhstan, which in 2016 amounted to 134 thousand people.

However, Altaev said that today 1137 companies have concluded 1254 contracts with the colleges for training of 1750 specialists. There were signed 60 agreements on patronage between businesses and colleges.

"Until recently, there was a big problem that colleges could not change their curricula because they had an approved SOSE (State obligatory standards of education). Recently, changes were made to the SOSE. Now colleges can change their curriculum according to business requirements", - he added.

As it was reported by the representative of "Atameken", two consortiums were created in Kazakhstan: one in Kyzylorda, the other in Taraz. "I will give a very interesting example of Kyzylorda. Restaurants and hotels unite in an association to create the foundation for a dual education, and took under its control one college. At the same time college made a concession to the association, giving it the right to include its people in the composition of the Management of the College at the level of Deputy Director. According to the requirements of this association, the college completely changed the curriculum. And almost all students, who are studying the required trades, work in these hotels. The theoretical part takes less time, practical part takes more time. If I'm not mistaken, they had an order for 350 professionals from this college ", - he stated.

"It is necessary to have more examples of this kind. It is very good, when the association works so well because needs of business change, and the association can easily adjust the enterprise and distribute these specialists", - said the expert.

Altaev also said that thanks to the work of the Chamber there were established 50 training centers to upgrade skills at enterprises and five industry clusters under associations. Much work has been done on vocational guidance. 865 carrier guidance offices were created in the regions, 73 carrier guidance corners were installed at schools. "We have sent a lot of enterprises to schools last year, students visited enterprises to see with their own eyes the production process", - he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" also reminded that a lot of work has been done on the automation of universities in the last two years. Now they are free to determine their own curriculum, budget, etc. Supervisory Boards were introduced at 10 universities of Kazakhstan. However, according to him, there are problems with composition of these councils. "Members of the Supervisory Board are selected by provosts. This is wrong, because every provost wants to control the supervisory board and to gain friends and acquaintances. This situation needs to be corrected", - he said.

"Another big issue - the creation of certification centers that have been evaluated by trained professionals colleges. Here the work is unfortunately slow. But this year we have advanced seriously, because many industry associations are ready to open such centers", - said Altaev.

He also touched on issues that are not yet resolved. "We have offered many times to include the subject "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" in the educational process, so that we train not only experts, but also the employers - those who will create their own business tomorrow. We have an achievement in this regard, because the Minister of Education supports us, Dariga Nazarbayeva also gave some instructions, so I think that this issue will be resolved in the near future", - said the expert.

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