
Modern teachers should teach to act

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Kazakh teachers of vocational education were taught how to develop and to conduct an action-oriented training session at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs

Professor of the Institute of Professional Pedagogy Institute of Technology of Karlsruhe (Germany), Karl-Otto Dёbber held a training seminar for teachers of special subjects, masters of industrial training of colleges and methodists of interested metropolitan state bodies.

During the seminar, Carl-Otto Dёbber said that in today's world, the labor market and organizations for professional training, undergo a number of changes related to market issues, technology, process of work organization and, more generally, society. The ability to work in a team is becoming more important, in connection with which organizations are less interested in specialists with narrow scope, while the role of multidisciplinary professionals, on the contrary, increases.

"For example, previously an employee at the production site had to do carry out management tasks without actually thinking. He was a cog in the system. The same was in the education system, what the teacher said had to be done. Now production and education spheres gained more independence in matters of work on own errors, planning, monitoring results, in connection with which there are new requirements for personnel, expanding the range of their responsibility. And, hence, the training system should be changed ", - said Professor Dёbber.

For the future employee to meet the ever-increasing demands, the organization of education must teach him not only professional competence but also to instill skills of personal and social competence.

"In personal terms, it is teaching to responsibility and reliability in the social context - the ability to resolve conflicts, to establish contacts with people. All this is now part of the teacher's tasks. Therefore, the role of dual education increases, as only at practice these skills can be perfected", - said the lecturer.

The professor shared with Kazakhstani teachers how to learn to implement the tips in practice. He spoke about the structure of the planning of educational and training programs, quality management, strategies and tools to improve the quality of VET institutions, planning and teaching model lessons on the macro - and micro level.

The seminar, was conducted within the frames of participants performed a series of practical tasks and developed lesson plans based on the recommendations.

The workshop was held as part of a partnership project in the field of vocational training of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Crafts Chamber of Trier (Germany).

Apart from regular training workshops, within its frames 50 Kazakhstani teachers have been trained and received international certificates confirming the competence of a specialist teacher with the right to organize industrial training at enterprises.

"Out of these 50 several continue their education and in the future will become multipliers of mentoring, which have the right to teach mentoring in their respective regions and at enterprises", - said Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE RK "Atameken" Lyazzat Shonaeva.


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