
Timur Kulibayev: "The future of the agricultural sector is after agricultural cooperatives"

- City of Almaty
8820 просмотров

Almaty hosts inter-regional meeting on development of the system of direct marketing of agricultural products based on agricultural co-operation with the participation of akims of Almaty and Almaty region

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" initiated a discussion of current issues in agriculture. The lack of modern storage facilities, processing plants and inefficient logistics lead to the fact that domestic agricultural producers, even after growing high-quality products, are not able to store it, to modify to meet the requirements of the retail trade and to offer products to the buyer. Ultimately, it reduces the attractiveness and the demand for products produced in the region.

As it was noted by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, one of the priorities of the long-term development strategy of agriculture should be import substitution of the main types of agricultural products. This in turn requires the modernization of the agricultural infrastructure, establishment of stable channels for distribution of agricultural products both inside the country and abroad. For this it was proposed to develop the system of direct marketing of agricultural products from farmers to retailers.

"We propose to develop direct relations without intermediaries between the major city networks and the agricultural producers of Almaty region through cooperatives. It should be noted that agricultural cooperatives are already active in Almaty and neighboring region, in order to fulfill its main task - marketing of the agricultural products. The members of the cooperatives, farmers need to concentrate on production of quality products, to focus on reduction of costs, on other technological processes. The next step in the development of relations between networks and manufacturers is implementation of the concept of wholesale and distribution center with the help of which it is planned to solve the problem of centralization of storage, revision, pre-sale preparation, transportation and wholesale distribution of fresh products (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy products). During the current year we held many meetings with the farmers of Almaty oblast, large retail chains, which are now present at the meeting. "Atameken" suggested that both parties today start trading directly, without intermediaries, and the senior management of networks supported us in this issue, for which I want to express special thanks. Large scale collaboration is required to bring the standards of products in compliance with the requirements of networks", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Also, according to him, this year, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs takes over the function of the Ministry of Agriculture on informational support of agribusiness entities. "Atameken" will work on transfer of current and advanced knowledge to farmers to broaden their skill level, to improve livestock productivity, to increase productivity, to improve the effective management of production mechanisms. All this together will help to build a clear system of regional specialization.

The event was attended by Akim of Almaty Baurzhan Baibek, akim of Almaty region Amandyk Batalov, the representatives of South Kazakhstan and Zhambyl regions, heads of banks, development institutions, business and industry associations. Following the meeting, a tripartite agreement of intent for cooperation was signed between the commercial networks, agricultural cooperatives of Almaty oblast and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the tripartite agreement on provision of micro-loans to entrepreneurs in rural areas between the Fund for financial support of agriculture, akimat of Almaty oblast and NCE RK " Atameken ".

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