
Will enterprises cope with management of colleges?

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Topical issues of the sector were discussed at the meeting of the subcommittee of furniture industry of the manufacturing Committee NCE RK

First, they discussed "patronage" of colleges by enterprises, or asset management. "We are currently working on mechanisms: there will be a profitable venture. Earlier we manually tried to bond enterprises and educational institutions, because without cooperation with production enterprises the education system can’t train good staff ", - said the director of department of development of the human capital of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Olzhas Ordabaev.

To what the president of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Yerzhan Sadykov (pictured) said that the organization already has an example of cooperation with the construction college in Almaty. "4 years ago on our initiative was created a resource center, which has more or less modern equipment, where you can train people for the furniture industry. With regard to asset management, I do not see the mechanisms for closer cooperation with colleges. To be honest, our resource capabilities today are very modest. I do not know about other associations, but it will be difficult to implement it here", - he added.

Vice-President of the Association, Igor Protsenko supported his colleague, noting that financing of the project raises questions here. "We do not have normal specialists who would teach. That is, it is necessary to train someone at production. We have training programs, they were in the Soviet Union times. Thirdly, the Road Map allocates 39 700 tenge, in my opinion, for three-month course per each student. And if there will be a full two-year cycle - this is also money. It is necessary to pay the grant, a salary to a teacher, etc. We spent about 8 million tenge to establish the training center in Almaty organized on the basis of the enterprise", - he said.

Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE RK Lyazzat Shonaeva, in turn, advised the representatives of the Association to analyze their potential. "Today colleges are mostly financed from the local budget. We have a working meeting, so let's say as it is. This are offers of entrepreneurs themselves. Many people want to take a college in trust management. Asset management is a full entry into the cycle. It should be tried first, if you can. We can not say that the State will finance it for sure", - she said.

Shonaeva reminded the Association about such an important issue as the development of professional standards. "The World Bank provided a loan for the development of professional standards. We addressed to all associations and regional chambers that they have to do an analysis of all that we have today and to determine the list of the most popular occupations for which standards must be developed. We need to get you involved", - she said.

The latest issue at the meeting was introduction of an industrial certificate. Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of NCE Arthur Kabdolov explained that all enterprises will be divided into three levels in the system of an industrial certificate. "The first - usual assembly. They are the ones who brought the parts here, put our people, assembled and sold it. We can’t say that they are not manufacturers. They still need to be taken into account. The second level is represented by companies that have the technological potential. That is, they processes are automated, they can produce sophisticated products. The human factor is minimized. A part of the components, which they used to buy abroad, they produces themselves now. The third level is represented by ventures in which, in addition to production and processing, there is scientific and technological potential. These are companies that are engaged in development", - he said.

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