
Children's vacation-entail big problems for adults

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NCE RK "Atameken" offered to promote active cognitive vacation for children in Kazakhstan

In accordance with the request of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Nazarbayeva for development of youth tourism, NCE "Atameken" held a round table on the development of tourist routes for students during the holidays with special rates for transportation, accommodation, food and security.

The event was held in the format of the video conference with participation of regions. It was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Company "Astana EXPO-2017", professional associations, business representatives. The deputy chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva was the moderator of the event.

Head of the Office of the Department of the tourism industry of MID RK Zhalgas Balgozhin raised the issue of the development of tourist routes for students during the holidays, taking into account the rates for transport, accommodation and meals. According to him, regions propose introduction of state subsidies for the logistics in the children's tourism.

The deputy of the regional maslikhat, director of the health complex "Sunkar" in Akmola region Kairat Sultanov made a number of proposals on how to improve the quality of children's summer vacation. According to him, it is necessary to solve the problem on the legislative level. "The biggest problem is entrance to the protected areas. It is necessary to make amendments to the Tax Code. We are raising this issue for more than seven years. The fact is that we pay two times a day for each child. The problem is that today we do not have any discounts for the participants of the war, or for veterans, or for large families ", - he said.

Sultanov said that Kazakhstani summer camps experience serious financial difficulties. He proposed to develop a special program to revive the numerous non-operating summer camps.

Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva, supported the proposal, adding that "Atameken" will bring this issue to the Government.

Victor Fomin, a representative of the regional center of youth tourism and ecology of WKR, spoke about the existing routes for schoolchildren and students, noting the need to implement rules for organization of children's expeditions.

President of the National Association of Tourism Industry Gaukhar Zhenisbek focused attention on pricing when visiting tourist sites of Astana. She proposed to solve this problem through state subsidies for the system. In addition, she said that issue of transport and logistics is as important. "Even with a discount of 50%, which provides KTZH, railway tickets still cost money. If we add to the ticket price accommodation, food and excursions, it turns out very expensive", - said G. Zhunisbek.

Commenting on the statement of the head of the National Association of the tourism industry, representatives of the company "Passenger transportation" noted that fares on trains are approved by the Government and provide discounts for children. However, they added that if the state will allocate additional subsidies, the company can reduce the price.

Director of LLP "Tourist" A. Slusareva offered to consider a question of organization of baby food catering in the trains. "If we travel for three days, we have to feed children with dry food", - she noted. There was made a proposal to attract health care professionals to work in summer camps, who could also monitor the quality of food.

The representative of the Almaty Union of trade unions K. Letnikova drew attention to another point. "There is an order of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan on organization of recreational activities for children during the summer holidays for the years 2011- 2015, and we need to speed up signing of the order for 2016. 1st of June will be soon, and at this point the question has to be solved", - said K. Letnikova. According to her, the lack of order on the organization of leisure activities for children during the summer holidays for 2016 will not allow to create a legal framework for cooperation between all agencies and organizations involved in the organization of children’s tourism. "As long as there is no order of government – there are no orders of regional Akimats, and so on", - concluded K. Letnikova.

Executive Director of the Ural branch of the National Academy of Engineering Nikolai Sorokin spoke about the horse breeding cluster created in the region two years ago. "We wanted to create a system tied to the traditions and customs. This is not just horse riding, not just horse riding sport, namely the revival of the traditions of the steppe", - he said.

Mels Abenov from Office of tourism of Astana shared an interesting example of children's leisure activities in the summer - "Batyr" camp. "Children live in tents, go hiking, perform standards and get tags "Kazakhstan sayahatshysy" and "Zhas tourist", cook food on fire, and so on. The idea is inexpensive. We spend about 8 million tenge on 360 ​​children - It is a little more than 20 thousand tenge per child. The camp is completely free, the education department covers the expenses. We would like to cascade this experience to all regions", - he said. Mels Abenov also raised the issue of the need to adopt sanitary rules for the tent and yurt camps similar to ones in the Russian Federation and about the absence of infrastructure in the state national natural parks for recreation (locations for camping, cooking, toilets, etc.)

"Taking into account the accumulated problems, I suggest to create a working group, and to consider today's meeting as a first meeting. Please send all your suggestions to NCE. We will summarize them and send to the Government ", - summed up the discussion of the agenda of the first meeting Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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