
"Atameken" selects Bolashak winners

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs participated in the work of the independent expert committee for awarding the international scholarship "Bolashak"

Member of the Commission, Director of HR Department of NCE RK "Atameken" Askar Tulekovich Zhakaev praised the level of training of applicants for obtaining the presidential scholarship "Bolashak". According to him, they are perfectly fluent in foreign languages, have skills and are determined to acquire knowledge abroad. By the way, among the contenders there are a lot of young people from the regions, including the graduates of rural schools, which indicates an increase in the quality of knowledge in the rural areas.

NCE RK "Atameken", according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is the official representative of not only business, but also to all employers of Kazakhstan (according to the new Labour Code of RK), which allows you to reflect the interests and expectations of Kazakhstani employers in the definition of priority majors, universities, types of education etc. For example, "Atameken" has offered to train students to acquire the master degree in the framework of the new direction "Engineering worker" within the frames of the program "Bolashak" in leading foreign universities. NCE also has examined a number of draft laws and regulations, governing the rules of selection of bidders and award of the international scholarship "Bolashak".

In addition, regional chambers of entrepreneurs are working to inform managers and employees of enterprises of Kazakhstan on conditions of the scholarship program "Bolashak".

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