
To teach basics of business from childhood

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It is planned to introduce the course "Economics and basics of entrepreneurship” at Kazakhstani schools

The idea of ​​introducing the subject into the school program belongs to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". For two years, NCE has been negotiating with the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as with other concerned agencies. Today, the issue has moved forward. The curriculum is being developed by JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" together with NCE, the National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin, Public Fund "SANA Eurasia" and Almaty Management University.

"Our country has a strong tradition of paternalism, when parents provide well-being of their children from birth until death. Or nepotism when a relative help to build career for a nephew through his contacts. Thus, infantilism of the younger generation, amorphousness and indecision are typical of our country", - said a member of the Presidium of NCE RK, the chairman of the committee of the social sphere and social partnership Talgat Doskenov, speaking at a meeting at "Atameken".

He stressed that the issue of the introduction of the subject on the basics of entrepreneurship in the school curriculum is very important. "We are designing the future business development of our country, when children build their own happiness with their own hands, when they become millionaires before reaching the adult age, when knowledge, competence, entrepreneurial flair define the highest standards of living. The introduction of the course on the basics of entrepreneurship in the mandatory school program, in our opinion, will contribute to the education of young people who know what a market economy is, and clearly understand the intricacies of doing business from the school years. We define a new vector of development of the future generation of entrepreneurs in our country ", - he added.

It is planned to introduce the course in 2019 in the compulsory secondary school program for 10th and 11th grades. The new subject is focused on the practical part of the training. Thus, the entire second year of a two-year program is allocated for study and protection of their own business ideas. Students before 11 grade seek promising business idea in the region, on the basis of which they compile a business plan and defend their project at the end of the year. In addition, the subject provides the training on the basics of financial literacy, study of the monetary policy of banks.

Director of the Department of Human Capital Development Olzhas Ordabaev, in turn, put forward the proposal of the Chamber to adjust the program developed. "From our point of view, it is necessary to introduce the subject not in 10-11 grades, but in 9-10 grades. This is due to the fact that graduates are busy with preparation for entering university, preparation for the national test, etc. In 11 grade the course can be taught electively, when students can implement their ideas into practice. It can also be a part of career guidance", - he said.

Deputy of the Mazhilis Irina Smirnova supported innovation in the school program and expressed some concerns about its implementation in practice. "Your great idea, which is finally put into practice, wil really help to make new generation, which will be responsible for themselves and be able to help the older generation. Of course, this program should be supported", - she said.

"The only thing that concerns me, as I recently worked at school. At our school we had the course "Economics", which gradually stretched from the 4th to 11th grade. This program was not taught properly, because teachers had no knowledge of the economics", - said the deputy.

In this regard, according to Smirnova, you need to think about how to choose the right personnel for this important task. "You can hold a contest to select a proper teacher. It is advisable that entrepreneurs come to school, we need new ideas. We have a problem: the law states that only people with pedagogical education can teach at schools. And what if we make it possible that just a businessman can came? "- she said.

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