
Learn how to do economic and mathematical calculations

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Actuarial Society of Kazakhstan invites NCE employees to the second course of actuarial calculations "Actuarial principles and their applications"

Lectures and workshops during the second course will be conducted by a full member of the Society of Actuaries of Kazakhstan, a licensed actuary, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Russian Higher Attestation Commission) Mirbulat Sikhov and an active member of the Society, licensed actuary Akzharkyn Knykova.

There will be groups of 13 people. The course will take place at venue, which will be announced later.

Day Course will be held from June 6 to June 25, 2016 in Almaty, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Registration for the course will be held on 6th of June 2016 at 9.00.

The qualifying exam will be held on July 2, 2016.

The cost of training - 120 000 tenge per participant, students and teachers - 80,000 tenge (in the presence of supporting documents).

Examination fee - 10 000 tenge for the members of the Society of Actuaries, students and teachers, 15 000 tenge - for others.

Due to the complexity of the workshop and the need for students to attend classes during the course period,  the organizers of the course kindly ask future students to settle the all the necessary formalities with the employer.

To participate in the course and the exam you must complete the registration form - an application, be sure to include in the application the form of training. Applications for the course will be accepted until June 1, 2016. It is necessary to subscribe to the qualifying examination 10 days prior to the exam. Details of the Society of Actuaries and payment details will be available after the submission of the application.

For more information on how to register contact the coordinators of the Society of actuaries of Kazakhstan:

Abdikerimova Zhanar - tel. / Fax 8 (727) 386 82 27; 87073888683

Sikhov Sara - 87012998416, 87071015250 or email:, manager_ed@aс

Additional information is available also on the Company's website:

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