
Astana hosts the second Congress of the Council of Business Women

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Today in Astana started the second Congress of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" - "Kazakhstan - new opportunities"

The forum was opened by the President of the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova, who noted the important role of women in entrepreneurship development.

Representatives from all over Kazakhstan from all 16 regional Councils of Business Women participate in the Congress.

Traditionally, the results of the regional Councils of Business Women will be announced at the Congress, members will set the goals and objectives for the future. In addition, in the first half of the day business woman will attend training seminars on the development of female entrepreneurship, the role of further training in building an effective team.

A member of the Presidium of NCE RK Atameken, General Director of LLP "Centras Capital" Eldar Abdrazakov was one of the first speakers. He delivered the report "The new initiative - summer program "Professionalize Kazakhstan" as an additional training and new business opportunities". He noted that today the main problems for Kazakhstani business - it is to change inefficient attitude of employees to work. As global trends suggest that competition today - is a struggle of people against people, a struggle of one culture against another. On the foreground is development of competences of workers, the role of capital and other factors - are secondary.

Chairman of the Regional Council of Business Women of the South Kazakhstan region, director of LLP "Asyl Arman" Alma Arkhabaeva shared with colleagues her knowledge in the field of online business development.

During the day, business women share experience and the role of female entrepreneurship in foreign trade, development and innovation. They will share their experience in the field of administrative management.

The second congress will be completed by the visit to the State Opera and Ballet Theatre "Astana Opera".

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